Chapter 34

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Harper's POV

My eyes fluttered open and it took me a few moments to realise where I was , I was still wrapped in the warm embrace of the man who just a few hours ago took away my virginity. A sly smile took its place on my lips as I stretched out in the bed , "Well , you look like the cat that just got the creme" a husky voice murmured in my ear. "Hmm" I mumbled in response "that's because I have." I rolled over and placed a small kiss on his jaw and snuggled back into his chest.

"You've been asleep for a few hours love , were you tired?" He asked , humorous laced his words.

"I was a little , but I guess physical activity does that to you." I giggled slightly "any chance of a late night snack ? I'm starving?"

"There's chocolate lava cake in the fridge downstairs , it was meant to be for desert but I got distracted." He murmured

"Was it a good distraction?" I asked coyly

"Very much so , put some cloths on and we'll head down to the kitchen." I dove out of the large bed and began hunting for the shirt that I was meant to have put on before things became hot and heavy. I pulled the shirt over my head and let the soft material glide over my skin. "I'll meet you in the kitchen , I just need to freshen up." I said as I made my way over to the en suite.

"Dessert will take a few minutes to warm up , take your time." He called out as I shut the door.

I sat down on the rim of the bathtub and inhaled deeply , holly shit I slept with Angelo. The images of what had happened only a few hours ago began flashing through my mind , our bodies tangled around each other in the most intimate way possible , us finally becoming one. I was happy that it'd finally happened but the smallest part of my brain was in complete panic mode , we hadn't really established what we were the feelings were there for both of us but there was no solid label on what the two of us actually were. The insecure part of me started to rear its head , what If he was just using me for sex? What if this was all a lie , some sort of sick joke just to spite me..? Jessica's ugly words began swimming through my mind , I really wasn't anything special , I didn't come from a wealthy family I was just me ...

I walked over to the large oval mirror and glanced at my reflection , slightly flushed cheeks and hair that resembled a birds nest. After trying to untangle my hair the best I could without the assistance of a brush I made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen , thankfully it wasn't very hard to find all I had rot do was follow the mouth-watering scent of chocolate. "Hey." I murmured as I took a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Desert won't be a moment , I hope you're hungry."

"Mhh." I replied absentmindedly , my mind was still firmly fixated on Jessica's words and the memory was starting to sour my mood.

A few minutes later the desert that Angelo had prepared was placed in front of me. "Here you go love." He said as he placed a small kiss on the top of my head. Even though the food in front of me was enough to make my mouth water I had lost my appetite and all I wanted to do was find a dark room and lie down. I moved my food around the plate absentmindedly until Angelo's voice caught my attention. "Is everything okay?" He asked , sounding slightly concerned.

"Yeah , just tired." I replied , my eyes staying locked on the plate.

"Don't lie to me Harper , what's wrong?"

"It's nothing , just drop it." My voice wobbled slightly.

"Do you regret what we did , is that it?" He whispered

My eyes snapped up to meet his , the expression on his face made my heart ache , "NO!" I all but shouted at him "I'd never regret what happened between us , I wanted it to happen just as much as you , I promise."

"Then what's wrong , tell me so I can make it better." He said as he reached over the table to grasp one of my hands.

"What even are we , Angelo?" I sighed "my feelings for you are pretty obvious , up until a few hours ago I was a virgin and you're the only man I've ever been with. We've told each other how we felt but there's no definite label on what this actually Is" I said motioning between the two of us. "Is this going to be a casual thing where we only hook up or Is it more than this , Angelo I need to know before I invest too much of my heart into this. I can't open myself up to get hurt again , I just can't." I sighed.

"What's brought this on?" He asked "I thought my feelings for you were pretty transparent."

"It needed to be said Angelo , I just don't get why someone like you would be interested in some girl who up until a few months ago was paid to keep rich old men company." My voice slowly began to get louder and I could feel my eyes filling with hot tears. "Is this because of what Jessica said to you?" he asked

"Partly." I began "she's right though , I'm a nobody. I don't come from a wealthy background or have generations of good breeding on my side , I'm just me.." I trailed off quietly and that's when the tears began to fall.

Angelo got up from where he was sat and walked over towards me , "don't cry love." He murmured as he brushed the stray wisps of hair off my face. "you're my everything Harper , you pulled me out of a crippling darkness that I thought was going to suffocate me. I don't care that you're not wealthy , none of that matters to me , I love you because you're as beautiful inside as you are on the outside. You're the best thing for me , you're what I've been waiting for my whole life." He placed a gentle kiss on my lips "I love you Harper , don't ever doubt my love for you , you complete me." I glanced up at him , my eyes meeting his. They were full of honesty and something I'd only ever seen in my parents and grandparents

"I-I'm sorry I doubted you." I said through my tears "I've just never had anything like this before."

"I know you haven't love and I'm glad , I'd have gone insane knowing another man had touched what's mine." The possessiveness in his voice made me shudder and hot in all the right places , I glanced up at him and brushed my lips against his. "I love you , Angelo." I whispered

"I love you too." He cupped my face in his hands and placed a searing kiss against my lips , I parted them slightly to allow him to deeper the kiss and just like before I submitted , allowing him to dominate my mouth completely.

"I-I'm sorry I doubted you." I said through my tears "I've just never had anything like this before."

"I know you haven't love and I'm glad , I'd have gone insane knowing another man had touched what's mine." The possessiveness in his voice made me shudder and hot in all the right places , I glanced up at him and brushed my lips against his. "I love you , Angelo." I whispered

"I love you too." He cupped my face in his hands and placed a gentle kiss agains my forehead.

"You'll need to come over to our house for dinner soon." I mumbled " my nan wants to cook for you."

"I'd love that -" his words were cut off by his phone. I looked at him slightly confused as why would anyone want to ring him this late at night , I glanced at the clock and it was almost 3am. He motioned with his hand that the call wouldn't take long as he made his way out of the room to talk to whoever was on the other end. I waited a while but after 20 minutes he hadn't come back to bed , must be something important I thought to myself sleepily. After a few moments of tossing and turning I found my eyes drifting shut , whatever the phone call was about he'd tell me in the morning.


I'd like to say a huge Thankyou to everyone who's continued to read this book , it's nearly hit 1000 reads and I couldn't be happier ! Your support means a lot to me ❤️

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