Chapter 33 - new content

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*The smutt at the end of the chapter has been re-added. Sorry to anyone I dissapointed but my mum wanted to read the book, so yeah i'd rather of not had to have that conversation but here it is ! <3*

Harper's POV

"Jesus Angelo , you really should've been a chef these scallops are to die for." I remarked through mouthfuls of the buttery goodness on my plate. Angelo had pulled out all the stops serving pan seared scallops in butter with chorizo and a balsamic glaze , it was hard not to audibly moan at how good the food tasted. We had spent the majority of the meal in casual conversation due to us being on our first date but I knew the conversation about Jessica and how to prepare for her reaction was inevitable so I decided against my better judgement to bring it up now.

"So , do you think Jessica saw the article about us?" I asked cautiously

"I believe she did , unless she's currently living under a rock. Everyone's seen the article love."

" I thought she would've retaliated by now , she made it very clear that she wouldn't be happy if I hadn't finished things with you when she came to my house the other day."

"I've prepared myself for the worse." He replied in an even tone " Jessica is a sadistic woman but I promise you I won't let anything bad happen to you. You're my life Harper and I love you, since the moment I set eyes on you I knew I'd never be able to let you go." There was so much emotion in his voice it was almost impossible to stop a solitary tear from running down my cheek. "I love you too Angelo , I'd never ever let anyone come between us not even Jessica. We're a team and we'll fight this together."

After the scallops on my plate had been completely demolished I sat back in my chair and let out a satisfied sigh , " This really is a beautiful house Angelo, do you know what you're going to do with it?" I asked cautiously, I'd hate to find out that he was selling the beautiful building. Even though it didn't feel like a home to him it was still where he and his dad had forged memories. " I think I'm going to keep It" he replied after a few moments "it's where my father wanted to be after he passed, finally reunited with the love of his life. I couldn't deny his dying wish." It was a humbling thought, even though he grew to hate the house he would continue to look after it because of the dying wishes of his father, the true definition of love.

"Dance with me?" Angelo asked as he slowly made his way towards me.

"I - I can't dance." I replied , shit I wasn't expecting this, what if I stood on his toes?

"I'll lead you follow." He countered , this time with his arm outstretched.

I hesitantly took his hand and stood up "don't blame me if I stand on your toes , you've been warned." I said shakily. He only chuckled at my comment, one of those deep husky chuckles that sent shivers down my spine as we walked over to an empty space in the room. Angelo pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times and after a few moments, a song that I wasn't familiar with started playing from somewhere in the room.

The song was a hauntingly beautiful one no doubt by some famous composer that I hadn't bothered to familiarize myself with while I was in school. Angelo pulled me into him and the shock of the sudden movement caused me to gasp. "Relax, let me and the music guide you." He murmured into my ear , I gave a simple nod in return and drew in a deep breath, preparing myself the giant catastrophe that this whole dance was going to be. As we slowly started to move to the music I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't actually suck at it , I had no idea what to do but Angelo sure did and I let him lead me around the room to the gentle rhythm of the music.

As the song slowly came to an end I was momentarily distracted by how close mine and Angelo's bodies had become, they were pressed so close against each other that not even a hair could get between us. Out of nowhere, he dipped me, he brought me back up agonizingly slow all the time keeping his eyes locked on my own, I was utterly breathless. When I was stood up right again his lips came crashing down on my own in what only can be described as an earth-shattering kiss. Our mouths moved in union and I parted my lips slightly so he could deepen the kiss, my arms wrapped around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist pulling my body even closer to his.

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