Chapter 25 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

I was curled up in the living room, wrapped in my Grandads favourite blanket. The tears had stopped falling hours ago, but I was pretty sure my smudged makeup and bloodshot eyes were enough evidence to everyone that I'd been crying for most of the afternoon. I couldn't believe what had happened and it was too much for my mind to process, but I knew what had happened, id caught The queen of the trolls all over Angelo and by what I saw he didn't mind how her body was pressed up against his.

I decided that then and there Angelo was a liar, everything he said about Jessica and how she was no longer relevant to him was a lie and what I'd witnessed in his office this afternoon was solid proof of that. I can't believe that I was that stupid to think this whole thing would end without my heartbreaking, the man oozed that heartbreaker vibe, but I thought I knew him better than that. Well, I was wrong, so very wrong because here I was led in the foetal position on the sofa trying to mend my broken heart and I doubt that would happen overnight.

I was glad no one was here to see how pathetic I looked , even though the quietness of the house made the ordeal that little bit more painful I'd rather nobody see me like this , I might be heartbroken but I still had my pride. I sat up and pulled out my phone from my bag, I only wanted to check the time, but I was met with over 20 text messages and missed calls from Angelo. I felt like throwing my phone, but after the anger subsided I realised that he hadn't done anything wrong, he didn't know that I was in love with him, I'd gone to tell him, but she was there. I decided to read a few of the texts he'd sent me; I hadn't filled my emotional trauma quota for today.

To: Harper

From: Angelo

Where are you? Is everything okay?

And he had sent another one a few minutes later

To: Harper

From: Angelo

I'm worried, why aren't you answering your texts?

They had continued thick and fast up until around 4 pm by that time he resulted in calling me and leaving voicemails, I didn't dare listen to them , I knew hearing his voice would break me even more and I couldn't do that to myself , I wouldn't fall that hole again , I was better than that. 

I wouldn't sit in this house and wallow in self-pity, I realised suddenly that tomorrow was Wednesday and that equalled my day off, and like hell was I spending my night crying into a tub of ice-cream. I decided then, and there I'd go out, and I knew just the place, picking my phone back up I sent a quick text to the only person in my life now apart from my nan I could trust, and I knew he wouldn't disappoint.

To: Jack

From : Harper

On my way 2 opal tonight , can you send a car to pick me up ?

Need to let my hair down

H x

And just as I suspected the reply came back mere seconds later.

To : Harper

From: Jack

The car will be outside at 8 pm, will meet you out front

See you soon.

And just like that, my evening had been upgraded; I'd rather be unhappy in a nightclub than reacquainting myself with a specific pair of men called Ben & Jerry. Glancing at my phone, I realised I had just under 2 hours to get ready and going by the state that my face was in, id need every last ounce of that time to make myself look somewhat presentable. After one of the hottest showers of my life, I felt slightly better.

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