Chapter 13 - Edited ✓

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Harper's POV

It was finally Christmas Eve, and for the first time in a while, I was looking forward to Christmas, the only downside was that I still hadn't bought Angelo a Christmas present.

I'd made up my mind a few weeks ago that I would buy him one, but the question that was gnawing away at my mind was what I was going to get him. I wanted to get him something that symbolised our friendship and I only had a few more hours to do It.

Rolling out of bed I threw on some jeans and a woolly jumper , the weather had turned almost sub-zero and if I was going to be spending the rest of today last minute shopping I didn't want to end up freezing to death while I was doing it. 

Thankfully apart from getting Angelo a present I only had to worry about getting my nan a gift which was sorted out almost a month ago , I'd spent the majority of the tips I got from November on getting a photo that my nan had taken of her and my grandad restored and framed professionally to preserve it. 

The whole ordeal had been stressful as when she found out the photo was missing the whole day consisted of the house being turned upside down looking for it, I felt terrible for putting my nan through that, but I knew her reaction would be worth it.

Walking down the stairs I was happily surprised to find that my usual breakfast was waiting for me at the kitchen table along with my nan sat in her usual chair at the table.

"Morning nan , I've got to pop out for a bit today I shouldn't be gone too long. Do you need anything while I'm out?"

"Just some sugar for the morning dear that's it, I forgot to pick some up on my way home yesterday".

I was grateful that she didn't quiz me on where I was going, I don't think I could explain my relationship with Angelo to her even though were only friends, it would only open up room for questions that I couldn't answer without telling her about Opal.

After shrugging on my coat and grabbing my bag I made my way into the town , the weather was horrific to say the least. Even though the sun was out the wind was making it bitterly cold, and not even my coat could protect me from the bone-chilling temperature. 

The weather made me wonder why I never invested some of my money in driving lessons , but then my mind reminded me that I was deathly afraid of getting in the driver's seat of a car so my only options of transport were walking or catching a taxi and currently I was regretting not calling one.

20 minutes later I was surrounded by what seemed hundreds of people doing some last minute shopping , I was slightly overwhelmed by it all I'd never actually bought a present for someone other than my nan and due to the fact I was now in the middle of town attempting to buy a present for the Angelo Deluca , it was enough to make anyone's head spin. I went to the nearest coffee shop and decided I'd spend my first half an hour here contemplating what I would buy for Angelo. The heat from inside the shop immediately warmed me up , ordering myself a toffee latte I went and found a table to start making a list of possible gift ideas.

15 minutes later I was ready to pull my hair out , I had nothing absolutely nothing. I had no idea what to buy a man for Christmas especially when the man In question had enough money to buy the whole of London twice over and still have some spare change at the end of it. 

I knew from the type of man Angelo was that he wouldn't want anything flashy as a gift , he had money but the man didn't flash it about. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and pulled up mine and his text messages.

To: Angelo

From: Harper

Meet me at our coffee shop at

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