Chapter 10: Arguing for Love

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I looked at James, waiting for him to say something. He knew I heard and I figured I did not have to tell him to explain. He sighed and then places his phone on the nightstand.

"I think I should get you home." He said. I rubbed my tongue against my teeth. I cleared my throat and then readjusted my body on the bed. I needed to get comfortable for this. I fluffed up my pillows behind my back and rested my head against the bed frame.

"I don't want to go home!" I said difficultly. He got off the bed and then began to get dress.

"At this point..." He said with his snide sarcastic tone that he had. "What you want does not matter. There is an amber alert and.." He said and paused.

" And what?" I snapped. He looked at me like I was mutant.

"Soph. I don't want to argue!" He said pulling on his shirt. I looked at him fully clothed and then at the clock. It was around 6pm, Sunday. I was not going home. Those cops and whoever else is looking for me will have to come and get me.

"Well we have a problem then because I am willing to fight for us.." I scolded. "How can you..." I began and then he looked at me with his tired face as he ran his belt through his jeans loops. I don't know why that face annoyed me so much but it did. I just jumped across the bed and grabbed him by the collar.

"You fucking... Idiot how can you be so calm about what your dad just said." I screamed shaking him. He pulled my arms from his shirt and pushed me a bit too forcefully back onto the bed. I bounced up and down similar to the way I would if he would lovingly toss me onto it in preparation for our sex sessions.

"Sophia don't even do that." He said sternly. I looked at him shocked. I was a bit turned on by the masculinity and him putting me in my place. I really don't know what came over me. But then I was equally shocked that he did push me.

"Did you just push me." I said rhetorically. He laughed but not like an actual laugh. It was like a laugh that said 'don't fucking ask dumb questions.'

"Well I am not going...stupid" I said childishly.

"Sophia do you understand what is happening. If I don't get you back it is just going to make matters worst." He said.

Although, he was trying to be all stern and ill affected by the fact that his father just told us we could not see each other until further notice, I could tell he wanted to cry. I wanted to cry. Why was this happening. It should not be this way. We make the perfect couple. Our parents love each other and we love each other. It makes sense. So why was this happening.

"I can't..." I said softly. I just could not accept this. I was not going to let our parents dictate our lives.

"Sophia we go to the same school for Christ's sake. I am sure it will not be an awful set up." He said. I looked at him perplexed. Did he forget who our parents were? I am pretty sure that either or both of them can and probably will, reconstruct our schedules at school and make it virtually impossible for the two of us to interact, even though we are in the same building.

"I never thought that you were so simple!" I said disrespectfully. James picked up my clothes from off the  ground and tossed it forcefully at me. My garment slammed into my face and chest. I held them on my lap and looked at him.

"Put them on now and I am taking you home." He said authoritatively.

"You can yell and throw shit but I am not going and I don't want you to leave me either. It is not their decision..." I began. He cut my speech off when he began to pull me to my feet.

"Sophia." He yelled at me. I

just acted on impulse. He was in my face, his hands were squeezing my arms and I felt like my personal space was completely invaded. So I smacked him really hard and forceful. It was similar to the back handed smack I gave Amanda a couple weeks ago, but instead a scale down in impact, speed and painful result. He looked at me shocked and infuriated. I knew like any human that was just smacked he wanted to retaliate. But he didn’t, well not in the physical sense at least.

He forcefully took his hands from arm. “Okay.” He said and then rubbed his cheek that was probably burning. His light skin was turning red and his beautiful eyes were now icy with anger.

“I am going to the car and you…can get ready and I can bring you where you need to be or you can stay here and do whatever the fuck you think you ought to do.” He said pissed off. I don’t know what or why I thought I had to be such a tough guy and act like I did not care or act like I was not crying inside. But I wanted him to be defiant and not listen to his father who was listening to mine. I wanted him to see what I was saying. I just did not know how to get it across to him.

“Well go on your merry way…cause I am not going home…how can you be so stupid and willing not to see me?” I whined on the verge of tears. He looked at me as if he wanted to just strangle me.

“Sophia…I don’t know what the hell you think I am…I am not a miracle worker. I cannot change the course of time. We just have to deal with what we have to deal with. So please just put your clothes on.” He begged and like an idiot I said no stubbornly.

“Fuck you.” I screamed. He balled his hands. I could tell the verbal and physical assault that I was giving him was annoying the hell out of him. But honestly, that is how I felt in the moment of time. I just wanted him to get angry with our parents. Why was he listening to them as if their orders made sense. Why hadn't he said lets run off to some place where nobody knows our name. Why hadn't he felt the need to say fuck them, like the way I was willing to seperate from them to be with him at all costs. Was I acting so unreasonably? Was I some deranged teenage girl in love with a guy that was not so in love with me to put his family life on the line? Was that too much to expect?

“You know what. Fuck you too. I am over this. Suit yourself. Fucking smacking me and shit. I don’t even care that much.” He said.

And with those words, it answered all of my question. He did not care that much. That is what he felt. So that is why he was able to act this way. He did not care that much. Those words just kept going and repeating in my head in that short space of time of him saying it. It was probably word vomit and anger of the moment. He could not possibly mean it. Could he? I was not in the mood to find out and his facial reaction seemed so dam serious and as if his word was his truth that I just could not stop myself.

 I just pushed him on the chest and smacked him again. and again, until he could not take my assault. He pushed me away and with that he was gone. I watched him walk outside of the bedroom. I followed screaming my hates and regrets at him. He ignored me, insomuch as, he gave me the finger before he stormed through the house door.  I watched him get in his car, my only ride out of the island and back to the city, and then he drove off. I had never seen so much anger in a pull off. I felt tears in my eyes.

Did he just leave me here like some common chick? I thought he was my soul mate, my future husband? Why did he not fight harder? Was I that much of a stubborn chick. I did not feel the wail of cry coming but when it came, it knocked me off my feet. I cried right there in the doorway as I collapsed to the floor. I managed to close the door. I knew with his anger and attitude he was not coming back. I knew that we had just began the beginning of the end of us.

And this was not a dream...this was real life!


A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I am Summer Law Clerk at the DOE and as you can imagine...loads of legal work I am doing. Plus it is my 2L summer and I want to make a great impression because I will be graduating next year and who knows maybe a job is in my future at this place. I love the work there.

In addition, I am the co-creator of a website/business. BTW check it out and follow: We are like a press organization and we cover exclusive events in NYC and we are beginning a web series and network! So yes, I have a lot going on. But I am a writer and I love this so, I write. LOL for all the younger people out there wise moment and advice: DO EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!!!

But back to the story sorry for the sad chapter. I know!!!! Sophia is bugging but do you feel her? Did she over do it? Did James act a little to nonchalant? Update is projected for Thursday. I have an event manana and friday so no updates then, unless I do some guerilla writing on my I-phone...LOL

Comment, vote, like, fan, and all that Jazz. Love yah ____Kerry B

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