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I looked at the screen and gently pressed accept. I waited before I answered the call. Normally, a person would say hello after hearing a dramatic pause like the one I did, but he just waited for me to say hello.

“James.” I said and sat up on the bed. David looked at me and then grunted a bit. I moved off of the bed and held the back of my neck.

“Sophia.” He said and then sighed. I closed my eyes willing my mind not to cry.

“Life is too short.” He said. I opened my eyes and listened. “I love you…you know.” He sounded as if he had a bad connection. The line was fuzzy and his words gave me a bit of a chill. What is he talking about life being to short. Was he suicidal or something. I hope not because I can not deal with all the drama or getting him help when I am Suriname. So he better get himself together.

“James…where are you why do you so like that.” I asked checking my phone screen to see if I had a bad signal.

“You know, you shouldn’t have run away.” He said. I inhaled.

“How do you know I ran away…where are you. Are you at my house…” I asked.

“Does it matter where I am and how I know…I know Sophie.” He said annoyed.

“Does my parents know.” I asked.

“I am not there brains so I don’t know what they know. All I know is what I know. And I know you left America as if the country was on fire and…you left me and you have my fucking baby in your stomach.” He scolded me. I jumped because his tone went from calm yet sad to concern to angry, to very angry.

“Well at the hospital you did not seem to give fuck about my dad sending me away…so you know what I did the same shit he was planning to do to me. I left…just on my terms.” I screamed back.

“Why do you always assume what I feel? Just because I don’t wear my emotions on my selves does not mean I don’t have any.” He said. “I fucking come to your house to bring you lunch and I see a desolate room.” He scolded.

“I’m not hungry…ate on the plane.” I said like the annoying teenage girl I am.

“Maybe the baby’s hungry.” He said. I grunted.

“Maybe it won’t be after next week.” I said. I heard him gasp and then pause.

“So you…” He began then I heard banging on the apartment door. Tamara called out saying that she would get it. The person on the other side of the door was so obnoxious and kept banging. It sounded so loud that it appeared to be coming through the phone as well.

“I don’t know. I have to keep my options open. I have to think smartly. You have your life and I have mine. And…” I said and then I heard commotion in the living room. I glanced at David and then we ran out of the room.

“James. I have to call you back…I think someone just barged…” I said as I ran to the living room. I stood shocked looking at JAMES HASTINGS IN TAMARA’S APARTMENT LIVING ROOM.

“This guy is crazy. I barely opened the dam door and he barged in.” Tamara screened.

“James.” I said in scream whisper. How did he know I was here? How did he get a flight that quick?

“Don’t you ever do this shit again.” James grabbed my  arm and pulled me to him. I was so shocked his aggressive behavior did not alarm me. My body smashed into his and then he grabbed my face. He forced me to look at him as he gripped my face cheeks sternly. It was like he was relieving the stress he hand on my cheeks. I am sure I was going to have a bruise or his fingerprints on my face.

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