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“Well…” James said looking up at me and then at Tamara and David. I smiled at him giddily. He already knew my answer but I wanted to be dramatic and make him wait a bit. Just as I was about to say yes, there were knocks on the apartment door. They were aggressive and annoying. Tamara stopped her foot because she was clearly brought out of her la-la romance daydream. I chuckled a bit and then looked back at James. I was about to say yes when the apartment door was knocked opened. There were three police officers and by the way the door opened, I was sure one if not all of them kicked the door in.  

Tamara screamed like the girly-girl she was and then David hollered something. That bought me enough time for my instincts to kick in. I grabbed James hand and pulled him up from his knee and ran to David’s bedroom. Of course my overdramatic dad would send the Suriname soldiers for me. He was all about the dramatic effect. He was really irking me.  My dad was like fucking Sherlock Holmes when it came to things like this. But yet he could not figure out how to simply be a supportive father that loved me unconditionally regardless of my mistakes and bad decisions.

James was about to say something when I closed David’s bedroom door and then started to use what I could to barricade the door.

“ De deur open.” One of the police officer scolded. He wanted me to open the door. Like hell I was opening this door. God only know what my dad told them to do to me, or where to take me.

“James…I do…” I said and kissed him. He smiled and then looked at a window.

“Sophia, McKenzie.” They screamed. “We are under strict orders….you need to come with us at once and he needs to go back to America.”

“I just need to get my things.” I lied. I heard them retreat a bit and then I swallowed. James looked out the window and saw that there were no police officers outside waiting. Suriname police officers were not to be played with. And by the looks of their uniform, they could not soldier. I was not sure. I forgot how the whole uniforms looked.

“We should just listen to them.” I said nervous. “My dad is so mad…he sent the officers…he knows they are mean.” I said biting my nails. James grabbed my hand and then pushed the ring on it.

“I am not going anywhere without you and you are not leaving with them crazy idiots out there…so, we are just going to have to think.” He whispered.

“They are crazy….they are like crazy men.” I said. “When I was a kid I saw them beat this child just because he spat on the road.” James laughed.

“They will not hurt you…especially since you dad is who he is.” James laughed. “They are like indebted to you.”

“Well, my dad probably said to rough me up since I am such an ass hole.”

“No baby you have a great ass…hole.” I smacked him on the chest as the officers banged on the door.

“Open this door at once.”

“I am changing.” I screamed. James walked to the window and then looked at me.

“Get the cell phone.” He pointed. I grabbed it off the bed and then shoved them in my pocket. “You have the passport and stuff like that.” He asked looking at me. I grabbed my bag and shook my head. “Let’s go.”

He opened the window and then jumped out onto the fire escape. I followed. “You know Suriname well?” He asked.

“I was only born here.” I said sarcastically. He shook his head side to side.

“Sarcasm at a time like this?” He said in a questioning and humorous fashion. He  grabbed, my now wedded hand.

The ring felt weird for a split second. It was sort of heavy. Or maybe I was being dramatic. I did have the drama quality from my dad. I looked at the ring glisten against my finger as James held my hand.

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