Chapter 16: High School Daze

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Anthony took my phone out of my bag and typed something it and then he typed something in his. I just stood there like a lifeless idiot. He smiled and then held my face.

"We make a good team. We make more sense than you realize but you will soon realize." He said and kissed me softly. I felt like I was being watched but I could not bring myself to canvas the area. I just looked at him...well through him.

I was over myself. I was so over my decisions and mishaps. I just wanted to go. I thought I was coming back to school to conquer it, James, and the whole thing, but instead it defeated me.

            "I'm going to head on to class before detention turns into suspension." He said making a corny joke about our high school's late policy. I watched him basically skip away as I slid down the wall into a sitting position. I started to hyperventilate and I knew I had to leave campus. I searched for my phone but I decided to just forget about it. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I crawled into a standing position. I used the wall as my support to walk slowly toward the big metal doors. I began to cough like I had the flu and by the time I made it outside I felt the vile liquids coming up. I turned to the grass and vomited. I cried in wailing manner as I wiped my mouth. I crouched down into a sitting position and looked at my shaking hands. I had to get away from this place. I stood up and walked as best as I could to my car.

It was the longest ride ever. Every red light caught me. It was like my car wasn't moving when in reality I only lived 10 minutes away. I walked into the dead silent house and carried my dead weight all the way up the stairs.

My bed never looked so welcoming but when my body hit the spring it was like it was a brick in its place. All of the weight of my regrets and confusion weighed on me.

I had never felt like I had no control over my being. I just wanted to own myself again. I just wanted to control my future. It was like I lost myself. Everyone owned a piece of me but me. James had me sexually, Mel had me spiritually and subconsciously, my parents pulled me respectfully and now Anthony had bribed me. I was not Sophia McKenzie anymore.

I ran to my bathroom and vomited again. It was like I was sick to my stomach literally. I was sick of myself. I had not even eaten anything but I could not keep the waste down. I was waste. I crawled back to my bedroom and then felt the presence of the person I least wanted to see. James sat on the bed and looked at me in my crawling position.

"I saw you vomit at school... So I figured..." He tossed me a box. I looked at it and rolled my eyes.

"I am not pregnant!" I said completely annoyed. "And what else did you see at school?" I asked concerned. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Nothing." He stretched out the word. "Was I supposed to see something else?" He questioned. I sat on the ground properly.

"I think you should go I am sick and..." I said and he shook his head no.

"If you sick why would I leave." He said as if he was a real boyfriend, my boyfriend, a good boyfriend.

"James I know you don't love me." I said! He cleared his throat and then stood up.

"I thought we went through this." He said. I stood up and felt sick to my stomach again. "Sophia I love you..." he said and then the vomit came again. I turned and ran to the bathroom dropping the pregnancy test. I heard James following. I let out the vomit as he held my hair and rubbed my back.

“Lapse of judgment in that dam closet.” I said sarcastically as I wiped my mouth. He shook his head and then kissed my head.

"You know that birth control is not always one hundred percent, especially if you switch it up." He said. "I was reading about it."

"Shut up." I said annoyed. "Give me the stupid thing." I said. I held my hand out for him to give me the box. He had this nervous face on and I took the box from him aggressively. I opened the box. "I am vomiting because you make me sick. I hate your guts."

He laughed and then watched me take the test. We waited and waited. I hated him so much because I loved him so much and I just keep getting hurt by him.

"I love you!” He said as he looked at me. I shrugged.

“Funny way of showing it.” I said and looked at the floor. He forced me to make eye contact with him by holding my chin in his direction. I was too weak to pull away. Plus I really did love him and his embrace was anything but annoying.

“I always loved you and will always love you.” He continued as I sat on the toilet. I rolled my eyes trying to act like I was unimpressed when I was completely moved by his words. I was such a weak girl and I have to try hard not to be that way anymore. I have to channel that hard shell diva that James broke down when I was only 14 years old.

“I saw you with Anthony." He said. "I am not going to fight over it but if you are willing to believe him, when he already showed you who he is then I can't..."

"What be with me." I finished his statement with what I thought was going to come out of his mouth.

He looked down at the test. It was not ready! "You slept with Amanda." I screamed.

"No I did not." He screamed back. His reaction seemed authenticate in the sense that it seemed that I just said the most absorb thing to him.

"Anthony showed me the tape." I said proud in a way that I had evidence.

"Anthony is like a fucking computer scientist he clearly doctored the tape. He slept with her not me. I was in the room yeah, but I did not sleep with her. She did a train with the guys at some party I was not sleeping with that. I messed with her but ..." I looked at him and he seemed to be truthful. I was so confused.

"I don't know" I said.

"Ask him to look at it again and watch it carefully." he directed which made me believe him more. "I cannot believe you believe him so easily. I would never trust some one that dam near ruined us so easily."

I felt real dumb. And the words of my mother started to echo in my head: "Never listen to a con man or you will get conned." I don’t know who was the con man, James or Anthony or both?

"I think we should take a break I need time to figure out my life." I finally said. I think I need to be single until after high school.

He looked at the test and I followed his eyes. I read the results and then swallowed!


A/N: So who do you believe...Anthony or James? What do you think the results are- pregnancy test...bahahaha....Who do you think was watching her in the hallway...I will give you a hint it was not just James...oh it is going to get complicated. Everyone in this school has something to gain from Sophia's love triangle, square, or Someone better come clean...

Guys my story is Rated R now,...smh is it really that explicit?

sorry for the shortness but I am writing more, manana is a heat wave so i know i am going to be in my AC fan, comment, vote, and like...tell a friend about me!!!!! PS i have another story coming your way...

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