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The web cam was on and I could see my face on the computer screen. Being the girl that I was, I began to fix my hair and place some lip gloss on my lips.  I was being ridiculous and yes I knew it but I had to vent. I did not care if the world thought I was crazy, at this point they passed judgements about me just like my father did. If he did not care to love unconditionally, the opinions and thoughts of the world did not matter.  All I wanted was for him to stand behind me no matter what. I mean, he was trying, but he was not doing a great job. What motivated his decisions was his career and politics not my welfare. I knew that and that is why I had to do this. Call it a cry for attention but I knew it had to be done.

 I used a live stream feature and then connected to CNN. James looked uneasy as he stood behind me. I smiled into the camera. He had that political being in his bone. He did not want to completely mess up his life. But he was sort of the reason for all of this. So he was going to stand right there and watch me potentially make a fool of myself. Why they did not stop me is beyond me. May be they all believe I needed to vent. Or they secretly wanted to see my demise. I am not sure but they stood there a bit helpless, confused, and supportive.

“Hello world…” I began with a devious smirk playing on my lips. I don’t know, in my mind between the anger and the hurt, I really believed this to be a good plan. But this really wasn't by no leap of the imagination.

“I am Sophia McKenzie…you might know me or heard of me over these past couple of weeks or months, because, well my life is fucking open book…these days.” I swore and then James walked into the camera shot and squeezed my shoulders.

“Sophia.” He said looking down at me as I looked over and up at him.

“Guys this is my man…James Hastings. You probably saw us in that sex tape…he is hot right…and yeah bitches he is mine…and he liked it so he put a ring on it.” I said very childishly and flashed my left hand wiggling it in the camera. James grunted.

“Tamara…David…this is not good. Talk to her.” James said rubbing his head.

“James…stop being a punk…this is a special tribute to my Daddy. The man that loves to get on dam camera for every fucking reason…”

“Sophia.” Tamara said from the other side of the room.

“Tammy…oh you know my dad he loves the camera and loves embarrassing me.”

“Okay guys…Sophia is just angry but…as you can see there is no reason to send troops to find her…she is safe in Suriname with me and my brother and her fiancé.” Tamara said looking into the camera. She was about to cut the camera off when I smacked her hand away.

“Not so fast…I want to tell my dad something.” I said. “I really should have took a sip of beer before this…you know the truth comes out when you are drunk.” I laughed and looked at James and then at Tamara and lastly David. They all shook their heads disapprovingly.

“You don’t even drink…and you can’t even if you wanted to.” James said referencing the baby.

“Oh yeah world…I am pregnant with this man’s child." I pointed to James with my thumb. He grunted in embarrassment probably. 

"He piped me so well that I am going to procreate…hell fucking yeah…not even 18 years old and I am going to have a baby. Bitches don’t hate. I am actually excited…I am going to love my baby no matter what. Even if she is a screw up like me.” I said on the verges of tears.

“Sophia you are not a screw up.” James said and then Tamara and David agreed.

“Yeah…I am. I can tell from the way my dad is.” I began with on tear falling from right eye. “Dad…I love you and I would appreciate if you could stand behind me and put the politics and business behind…I deserve your attention, help, and affection. I am going through a lot.” I began and now I was full on crying. James swallowed loudly and rubbed my shoulders trying to calm me down.

“Mom I wish…you would just stop him sometimes. I mean…I know I am not the greatest kid or that…I may make jacked up decisions but I am still your kid. It is like you guys constructively disowned me…I am pretty sure you will after this.” I wiped my eyes.

“So I guess I will be in Suriname…so my friends in America…I am here and I am going to be here.” I began and hiccuped.

“Dad it is not that you suck as a father but you kind suck as father…and friend.” I said confusingly. I could tell everyone in the room looked at me quizzically.

“Yeah…I know it did not make too much sense…but I get it and I know he will. I was a daddy’s girl but he just…” I began to cry.

“Fuck all this crying…Dad you suck…what the fuck you going to send the troops for me. You wanted me to that is what I did. Why you acting like you care about me. All you want is to control and if you cared you would come here and talk to me and not be on TV every five fucking seconds. I hate that shit. I love you…and mom and the Hastings too…but you guys suck at conflict resolution.”

“Where are my siblings anyway…did you tell them to shun me?” I asked rhetorically. I rolled my eyes. “Urgh they make my head heart.” I said screaming and flinging my hands in the air.

“Sophie…you done venting…I think that is enough.” David said looking at me and then James and lastly his sister.

“No…why the fuck can’t I be on the screen they be on all the fucking time…spreading our family business like it is up for sale on EBay.” I scolded David.

“Sophia…I am pretty sure the whole world is going to think you are emotionally disturbed after this shit.” He said to me. I flicked him the middle finger and he rolled his eyes.

“I am bitches…I never wanted to leave Suriname…I loved it here but Dad had all this ambition and I had to go because he said so…that controlling fuck of man…and mom you little lap dog.” I screamed into the camera.

James tightened his grip around my shoulders.

“I am glad that I got to meet James and all…his sexy ass.” I said and it was then I realized, I had snapped and I began to get a head ache. My heart began to race and I felt like tension building in my body was making me feel like my blood vessel was about to burst.

“Sophia…I think this is enough.” James said.

“No…people need to understand all that glitters is not gold…all that power is one man’s hand is sometimes the reason for the problems…” I said seriously. “I don’t despise my dad don’t get me wrong but I despise that he doesn’t stand with me….” I paused.

“You think I need therapy?” I asked looking between my silent and dumbfounded friends. David held his face and Tamara just stood shocked.

“Fuck all you haters.” I screamed  randomly and with that I felt a sharp pang in my stomach. “Ahh fuck.” I held my stomach in pain.

“What…what happened.” James asked moving from behind me and to my side.

“My stomach…” I said and then looked down. I notice a bit of blood trickling down the side of my leg.

“You are bleeding.” David said pointing to my thigh. I looked at the blood.

“No shit Sherlock…” I said rudely and he looked at me confused. I felt another pang and I cried out. I tried to stand up but the pain was real. Between the surging head ache and my eyeballs feeling like I was about to have them pop out, and then the pain in my stomach, I had to close my eyes. As my eyes shut down, I murmured a swear word and it all turned to blackness as my legs gave way.

“Turn off the camera...” James screamed and that was the last thing I heard as I went into a somber sleep.


A/N: LOL this was so funny to write. Okay....I hope you don't hate her but I mean she is still 17 years old and childish. I mean this is a very 17 year old thing to do. Especially she is a rebellious type of kid.

To my cliffhanger....what do you think is happening. It should be evident. LOL...

comment, like, fan, share...I am nearly at 10,000 reads. Exciting since the book is rated R and I dont get promoted like the others. But yeah. VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, FAN, ADD TO LIBRARY AND ALL THAT GOOD STUFF

I will update my other stories...ttyl

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