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"Grandma?" I stared at her confused.

"Hey dear," she smiled, hugging me.

"H-Hey," I opened the door further. "What are you doing here? I mean, I'm happy, but- why?"

She never visits. Like it is the rarest thing for her to do since she hates the city for whatever reason.

"I just missed you," she shrugged making me look at her. She wasn't the best of a liar. "I just wanted to see you"

"Oh," I nodded. "Mom told you about the incident, right?"

"She is concerned, Em," she grabbed my hands, squeezing them softly. "And so am I"

I shook my head, sitting on the couch, "But I'm fine"

"Are you?" she gave me a knowing look, sitting beside me.

"I mean," I breathed, "As fine as I can be, I suppose"

"What happened?"

Should I tell her what I saw or what the police is telling? She probably wouldn't believe in me anyway, the only people I could actually talk to was Jackson and Allison because both of them were suspicious as well that something else happened. Something that Scott and Stiles know but don't want to tell us.

I opted for not having her think I was crazy "Derek Hale tried to kill us"

"Derek Hale?" she frowned.

I nodded.

"That's not possible," she disagreed making me frown in return.


"Derek isn't a killer. I know him and his family for decades, I saw him growing up. Trust me, he isn't a killer"

"Well, he tried to kill a bunch of teenagers. The police say he is suspect number one on Laura Hale's murder. People change grandma, and sometimes it isn't for the good" I tried to keep my calm intact, but I could see she noticed my harshness.

"Did you see him? That night, I mean?"

I bit my lip, "No. But-"

"Who told you it was him?"

"Scott and Stiles"

"Who are them?" 

"Uh, just two boys from school," I said and she nodded.

The breath fanning on my face, the loudness of its sniffs. The red eyes and the way he chased me as I ran for my life. And how he disappeared with attacking me. It was all replaying in my mind in a loop with no end. I couldn't understand.
My mind didn't wrap with what actually happened and why that thing didn't attack me. Why just sniff? Why didn't it kill me? It was so vicious...


I blinked suddenly, my head snapping to look at grandma who stared at me expectantly. 


"I've been calling you for the past few minutes," she was looking at me with a concerned expression. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah," I breathed in deeply, trying to slow my heartbeat. Swallowing, I blinked a couple of times to make sure I was in my house. Safe.

"What were you thinking of?"

"Uh?" I turned to look at her. "N-Nothing," I shook my head. "Just, lost in thoughts"

"Emily," I looked at her. She almost never called me by my full name. "Did you see something at school that night?"

I stared at her. Why did she want to know what I did or didn't see? She was looking at me like she already knew something, I could hear it in her voice, like she just wanted confirmation to something. But what?

"I...," maybe she knew something. "I don't know" I glanced at her, she only gave me a look of encouragement. "There was something there, i-it wasn't huma-"

"Anybody home?" I heard my father's voice from the front door. My head turned to grandma once I heard her sigh, she was frustrated.

"Oh, there you are and... Magnolia?" he was surprised to see her, just like I was.

"Hey Thomas," she smiled and went to hug him.

"Did you say you would visit? I don't remem- Did we forget?"

"Oh no no," she waved her hand before looking at me as she said. "Just decided to pay a visit, see how everything was going and all."

Dad looked at us and seemed to understand as he nodded, "Do you want anything? Amaryllis is going to be a little late tonight so I'm just going to order something for us to eat."

"That's alright," she nodded. "I just need a little favor. Is it a problem if I sleep here tonight? I didn't expect it to be dark already and you know how those buses are. Never on time"

"Oh, there's no problem. I'll check the guest bedroom for you to get comfy"

"Thank you, my dear," she smiled as dad went upstairs, asking me to order the food.

I glanced at grandma one more time before I made my way -rather quickly- to the kitchen.

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