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A relieved smile appeared on my face, "So you know her?"

Derek sighed, "I don't," I looked at him confused, "I know she worked with my mother, but I never learned what exactly she did with her. She wasn't a werewolf, but she helped them"

"How?" I pressed making shake his head, walking towards a metal table where he leaned in, crossing his arms as he looked back at me.

"Protecting them. Look, I don't have time for this right now, I'm busy," 

"What? Still have to find who the kanima is?" I asked sarcastically and it seemed to tickle them stare at me suspiciously.

Derek held a serious expression, "What do you know?"

"Well, I know who it is, and maybe... how to stop it," I crossed my arms, "But I don't have time for this," I mocked, turning around as to pretend to leave. A smirk grew on my face when I felt a hand on my arm.

"Tell me what you know," Derek growled, turning me around so I could see his stern face. 

I copied his expression, "You tell me what you know first"


"We need to get her to the hospital," Stiles said as he supported Erica's head on his lap.

"D-Derek," the she-wolf groaned "Only Derek"

"No, you need the hospital"

"O-Only Derek"

Scott nodded to Stiles before he went to talk to Allison, who guaranteed she would take care of herself and so he could help Stiles getting Erica to Derek.

"C'mon, " he said to Stiles as he helped him carrying Erica to the Jeep.


"Look, we can go to my house later and search something about it, but I don't know anything about your family," Derek said and for some reason, I believed in him, "Right now, this thing is murdering people and I have to stop it,"

I sighed in defeat, "Only if you promise you're not killing it"

"He's murdering people. What am I supposed to do"

"A kanima is supposed to turn into a werewolf," I said looking at Isaac and him, "So we just make him turn," I shrug and Derek snorted.

"Yeah, it is that easy"

"Actually, it is," I uncrossed my arms, "We just have to find something meaningful to him"

"How are we g-"

"DEREK!" Scott's voice cut him off making him huff in annoyance, "Derek we need your help!"

Scott soon came into view and them Stiles, they were carrying someone... Erica. Derek ran to them, being quick to pick her up before kneeling on the floor. The rest of us following behind.

"Is she going to die?" I asked watching Eric shaking on the floor.

"I-I don't- She might," Derek said trying to keep calm, then he grabbed Erica's arm, "Fine, this is gonna hurt," he muttered and before anyone could ask he broke her arm. Her scream made my eyes widen in shock.

"You broke her arm?!" Stiles shouted through the screams.

"I activated the healing process," Derek explained, "I need to take the venom out, now this is going to hurt," he said before he squeezed Erica's arm making blood come out as her screams got louder.

I don't think my eyes could possibly go wider, my mouth hanging at the scene in front of me. Is this what they pass through daily?

Derek managed to take the venom out and Erica laid back on Stiles, trying to catch her breath, "S-Stiles," she called weakly, taking in a sharp breath. He looked down at her and she gave him a shaky smile, "You make a good batman"


Scott had walked out to talk to Derek, leaving Emily alone with Stiles and a sleeping Erica. Emily stared at the other girl, replaying the scenes she witnessed, knowing it was because of the kanima, because of Jackson.

Seeing the girl he loves frowning, Stiles decided to break the silence, "Are you okay?" 

She blinked, surprised by the sudden "Uh, yeah. Just- kinda shocked with what just happened," her lips pursed as she looked at him, who nodded "Are, you okay?"

"Me? Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he asked confused.

"Well, your Catwoman almost died," she said looking between him and Erica, "Wouldn't want to be a batman alone now, would you?" she gave him a small smirk that made a blush appear on his neck.

"W-Wha- N-no no, she- we- I- we're not together," he said quickly scared what Emily might think. He only had eyes for her.

"Oh," Emily said surprised before mumbling, "Alright,"

Stiles scratched his neck awkwardly, "So... What were you doing here?"

"Looking for answers," she shrugged, looking down at her hands.

Stiles took the moment to look at her. Her hair was a little disrelished from running her hands during the stressful moment, but what caught his attention was the look on her face. She looked tired, her eyes were a little sunken and there were barely noticed bags. Overall, it was barely noticeable signs, but he could see it properly now. 

Which made him guilty, knowing it was partially his fault. No one took the time to make sure she was okay, they were too focused on trying to keep her and Lydia safe. And it was thrown back in their faces since Lydia was acting strange and Emily was a complete mess.

"Did you find anything?" he asked quietly.

"I already discovered most of the things, Stiles," she added bitterly, "Not that anyone helped in the matter,"

Before he could say something, she shrugged, "Now I just need to find out about me,"

"What about you?" 

Emily looked at him, seeing his curious eyes, "Why I didn't turn for starters," she breathed sharply, "What is my grandma's relation with the Hales," she rolled her eyes, looking away. "Everything."

Not know what to say, Stiles nodded softly, shifting his stance so his sleeping arm could be freed from Erica's head. It wasn't for long, Scott came back with Derek, who took Erica in his arms once again.

"Derek," Emily called when he started to walk away. "When can we continue?"

Derek glanced at her, still curious about her story. "I'll call you"

It wasn't what she wanted to hear, but it was better than nothing.

"C'mon," Scott said to Stiles. "Let's go"

Stiles nodded, getting up just as Emily did the same. "Do you have a ride?"

Emily turned to look at the two, "I came with my car,"

He nodded, "Okay,"

They watched her walk away from them, and Scott suddenly remembered his conversation with Allison. "Emily," the girl stopped, turning her head only so they could see she heard. "Allison is trying her best. We all are- Just, please try to understand."

A sigh left her nostrils. "I understand Scott and it's okay. I don't care," she left, and Scott and Stiles shared a glance.

He heard her heart fastening.

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