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"Hi boys," Emily approached Scott, Isaac, and Stiles. The three looked at her before looking at each other. Stiles knew about all that happened the previous night and all of them were a bit skeptical if it was really Emily or her ancestor.

"You guys okay?" she asked, her brows knitting in confusion as she looked at them.

"Y-Yeah! How are you?" Stiles asked making the three look at him strangely.

"I'm... good"

Coach call everyone and Isaac walked quicker so he could be in the front, Scott not much further than him.

"So, Stile-" Emily start, grabbing the teenager attention before she was cut off.
"Emily!" her head snapped to where the voice came, seeing Cody smiling brightly at her as he waved to her to come to him.

"Uh... You can go," Stiles said as he watched the scene, disappointed that he was losing Emily once again.

The girl looked at him before looking at Cody, waving him off, "Nah, I prefer to run with you," she said just as coach blew the whistle, "C'mon"

She started running but Stiles was frozen in his place. His heart beating fast as he processed her words "Stiles!" Emily's voice brought him back from his thought, "Are you going to run with me or what?" she laughed running backward and Stiles took a moment to look at her shining eyes and hear her beautiful voice, "C'mon dork," she said turning again, following her classmates.

"Y-Yeah," he ran fast till he matched Emily, both of them running side by side as they passed a few students, not caring they weren't that fast.

"Em, uh, y- uh-" Stiles started but Emily's sigh cut him off.

"I know what you're going to ask," she said glancing at him, "It's kinda complicated to explain"

"It involves Cody?" Stiles mumbled and Emily's lack of response answered for him, "What is he doing to you?"

"He's helping me," the answer made Stiles look at her.

"Helping you with what?"

"Control myself? Learn how to control this thing inside me? He's helping me"

"Why don't you ask Maggs's help? She is the one that knows all about it isn't she?" Stiles didn't fail to notice Emily stiffing as he mentioned the girl's grandmother.

"We're not talking very much lately," Emily mumbled.

"Why?" he mumbled.

"They kept things from me, a lot of things," she murmured, more to herself than to him, but Stiles felt guilty for keeping his knowledge about Emily's nature instead of telling her.

"I'm sorry," he said looking at her as they started to walk instead of running.

"It doesn't matter anymore," she sighed, "I'm bad," she shook her head, not looking at him.

"What are you talking about?" he stopped making her do the same.

"I'm a bad person Stiles, I-" she glanced at him before averting her eyes. "I'm a killer"

Stiles's heart faltered, "W-What?"

"I killed someone," she said in a whisper, the frown on her face pretty visible.

Stiles frowned, "Who?"

Emily sighed, "Turns out I had a twin brother. I found out not long ago," she shook her head. "He died the same day we were born. I killed him"

"It's not your fault"

"Yes it is, I saw it," she shook her head, "I had some kind of memory flash- I don't know, but I saw. I-I was like I sucked his life away, I-"

"Hey," Stiles grabbed the girl's forearm, "It's not your fault. You were a baby"

Emily looked up at his soft puppy-like eyes, "But-"  

A scream interrupted the conversation, making them look at each other with wide eyes before running to its source.

 As soon as they found a group of people, the same students who were running with them, surrounding something, they knew there were where the sound came from. Passing through them, they ended up beside Scott, Emily let a gasp fall from her lips as she covered it with her hands. In front of them was a boy. A dead boy tied in a tree.


Not five minutes later, the Sheriff appeared on the scene trying to clear the place.

"Dad, just come here. Look, look. Look at it. It's the same as the others, you see?" Stiles asked mentioning to the marks on the victim.

"Yeah, I see that," his dad nodded, "Do me a favor. Go back to school, yeah? Coach, can you give us a hand here?"

"You heard the man. Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid," Coach shouted.

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