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  "Hey Emily, come in," Sheriff said opening the door wider

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"Hey Emily, come in," Sheriff said opening the door wider. I gave him a tight smile walking inside the house.

"He's here?"

"Yeah, in his room," he sighed "You can go there if you want. I'll be here if either of you needs anything," 

I nodded, mumbling a 'thank you' before running upstairs. I was soon facing Stiles's bedroom door. I breathed out, knocking on the hardwood.

I heard a muffled voice and then nothing, so she knocked again. This time I heard, "I'll be okay, dad," making me roll my eyes.

I knocked for the third time.

There were muffled sounds from the other side of the door, then padding and suddenly the door was ripped open, "Dad, I said I am f-" his words caught up in his throat when he saw it was me, "Emily?"

"Hi," I said quietly.


He stood there staring at me and I suddenly questioned if I should have come at all. I mean, we were getting along and he was helping me, but maybe that was just it? Maybe I was pushing too much from his good will.

But I was worried about him, and I wanted to see if he was okay with my own eyes.

So I fidget my weight from the ball of my feet to my tiptoes, before planting back on the floor as I broke the silence, "Uh, your father let me in"

"He did?," he asked, shaking his head right after, "Of course he did. Oh, I m-"

"What happened to you?" I cut him off suddenly, noticing the cuts on his face. Before I could help, my hands shot up to hold his face, my fingers gently tracing one close to his eye. He winced at the contact, making me retract, "Sorry"

"No, it's okay. I'm fine," his words were anything but convincing, but I decided not to press for the way he opened the door he wasn't in the mood. "Uh, do you wanna come in?"

I nodded before passing through the space Stiles created, hearing the door click closed as I stopped in the middle of the room.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I turned to him, "Nothing," I bit my lip staring at the floor, feeling my frown deepened, "I just want to make sure you were... here," I sighed loudly, "You worried me"

I glanced at him, seeing him look at me with a surprised look, "Me? I-I worried you?"

"Yeah," I breathed out, sitting on his bed. I scratched my head just as his phone biped, my eyes glanced at the thing, "You have... seventeen texts from Scott," I said, watching as he picked the phone before sitting next to me.

"I know," he said holding it between his hands, not even bothering to read what was sent to him.

"You're ignoring him?"

"No," he sighed "No, not really"

"He was worried too, you know? Broke your locker and everything to get your scent," I chuckled quietly, watching his lips curling up slightly. "Where were you?" 

"Gerard," he said, "Took me and- yeah" he mentioned to his face before getting quiet.

"He did this to you?" Stiles nodded making me frown. Why would he do this to him?

"I'm sorry," I said not really knowing what to say. I took his face in my hands gently as I examined his wounds, "I wish I could have done something"

"It's fine, it's not your fault," he said moving subtly so my head left his face.


My eyes drifted to the corner of his room, settling in the shiny object resting on the floor. "What is it doing here?" I asked.

I glanced from the thing to him, seeing the confused expression on his face as he looked at the bow, "I don't know," he said looking back at me, "It wasn't here before"

"It just appeared here?" I stood up from the bed, my eyes still trailed at the bow. It had disappeared that same night on the police station and I couldn't find it anywhere. It suddenly appeared in my room and I went to the police station where the kanima was, then it disappeared.

"Maybe..." I looked at Stiles, "Stiles, maybe that's it. Something is going to happen and it appears so I go help. It happened the night of the police station. I-I thought it was a dream, but no. This bow appeared in my room and when I grabbed it, I just knew where to go," I explained my theory as he frowned at the bow.

"No," he mumbled.

I looked at him confused, "What do you mean n- "

"You're not going to do anything"

"Stiles I can help!"

"You can get hurt! This is not a game. Everything is a freaking nightmare and you could get hurt in the middle of it"

"But Stiles I can help," I repeated trying to make him understand, "I don't know what I am yet, but this," I pointed to the bow, "This has something to do with it and so far, I notice it helped someone"

"You could get hurt!"

"I. Don't. Care Stiles!" I snapped suddenly. I don't know where it came from, but it was true. If I could help someone not be killed by a giant lizard, then I couldn't sit down and do nothing.

"See, that's the problem," he said and I closed my mouth, "You- you don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind!" he said getting closer to me while all I could do was stare at him, speechless.

"You see, death doesn't happen to you, Emily. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" 

I flinched at his loud voice. I've never seen him like this, and what he said... I heard him sigh loudly, calming down from his outburst, "I'm- um- I'm sorry" he apologized.

"It's okay," I cleared my throat, "Uh, I'll go," I nodded trying not to look at his hazel eyes as I passed by him so I could pick the bow, "I'm going to help, Stiles. Maybe it'll help me discover more,"

I stared at the silver weapon, licking my lips as the air left my lungs. That's it. I closed my hand around its body, a soundless gasp leaving me with the sudden energy rushing through my body.

I heard Stiles taking a step closer to me, his hand going to my shoulder, "Are y-"

I got up and turned to him in a swift move, my eyes meeting his, watching his widening at me.
"I'm fine," I said, "I'm going"  


(3rd POV)

Stiles sat in his chair with a huff. 

Emily left and she didn't even know what she was doing. He was mad at himself for not stopping her, but her silver eyes were still jammed in his mind.

"She left, huh?" his father voice sounded from the door and he glanced at him.

"Yeah," he sighed looking back at the wall.

The Sheriff nodded, "So is there, uh- Anything there?" he asked making Stiles glance at him.

"She doesn't see me like that," he mumbled quite grumpy.

"Really?" the elder asked walking inside the room, "Because she was pretty worried about you when you disappeared," he sat down as Stiles looked at him, "She was really anxious"

"We're friends," he mumbled again making his father sigh.

"Alright then," he dropped the subject, "But, ah. Listen- I know that getting beaten up, and with what happened to Jackson, has gotten you pretty shaken. But be happy about one thing. The game. You were amazing," he said with a proud smile on his face. 

Stiles looked at him a weak smile appearing on his face when he saw the happiness in his father face, one he hadn't seen lately. "Thanks, dad"

"No, I mean it. Look, it was pretty much over. And then you got the ball, and you started running. You scored, and the tide just turned. And you scored again and again," he eagerly narrated, making both chuckle, "You weren't just MVP of the game. You were a hero"

The word made Stiles wither again, "No, I'm not a hero, dad."

"You were last night," the Sheriff smiled one last time before leaving.

Stiles sighed sadly, "I'm not a hero," 




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