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*not edited*

When Magnolia finally arrived at her daughter's house, she stopped in the middle of the basement, frowning at the sight in front of her.

When Tom called, saying it was urgent and she needed to go there as quickly as possible, she knew something was wrong, but not to that extent. 

Everyone was gathered there, which included everyone that was in Amaryllis's office, neither of the adults wanted to leave without their child nor without helping the girl who saved them, and none of the teenagers would leave their friend alone. 

Emily was part of them, she was a member of the pack.

And looking down at her unconscious frame, Magnolia new it was bad.

"What happened?"

"She tried to run away when she noticed we were calling you," Allison said, "I knocked her out and we took her here,"

"We need to help her," Amaryllis bit her thumbnail, taking a step closer to her mother, "Mom, we need to bring her back"

"Tell me what happened,"

Scott took the lead and explained what he knew, from the time he met Emily in the alpha pack's hiding place, what she told him she found out, to the time he met her during the battle against Jennifer.

"She turned sometime in between, then," Magnolia concluded with a nod. Sitting in the space left on the couch where the girl was laying, she put a strand away from her granddaughter's face. "The Lunar Eclipse may take away your powers," she looked at Scott and Isaac, "But it magnifies hers"

"What does it mean?" Chris asked in a grave sound, wanting to know more about the family's power.

"If she's like this for too long, I'm afraid she isn't in control anymore," Magnolia pursed her lips. "Did she do something? Stiles, did she do something to you?"

All eyes fell on him as his mouth fell open, "W-What? W-Why- uh-"

"I need to know if she ever said something out of normal to you or did something today that was abnormal"

"I-" Stiles frowned, thinking back at when she met with him and the group, moment before telling him she saved his father and the rest. The way she spoke to him, stood close to him, the way she caressed his face and comforted him...

"The night at the motel," Allison's voice caught their attention. Stiles's head snapped at her, who already looked him. "Remember what you told me and Lydia? You said when she was in that trance she called you-"

"Orion," he completed. Turning to look at Mags, he explained, "Jennifer did something with all supernatural people one night trying to make them kill themselves. All werewolves tried to, b-but Emily didn't," he looked at the floor trying to gather his thoughts. "She actually tried to persuade me into killing them,"

Magnolia stared at him, "Why you?"

Licking his dry lips, Stiles shook his head, looking at her, "S-She said something about us being together forever," he blinked a couple of times, "and she called me Orion"

Amaryllis and Tom's heads turned to Magnolia, waiting for an explanation, but the woman was frozen. "I don't know what this means, why did she call me that?"

"And tonight?" Magnolia asked, ignoring his question.

"She was rather affectionate with him," Isaac replied in his place, nodding towards Stiles.

"Why?" Scott asked, "What does this mean?"

Magnolia breathed soundly, looking at the unconscious body in front of her. "There's never been a case as strong as now," she said quietly.

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