Chapter 6

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I was skated up to the noisy arcade. I was about to walk into the arcade when a boy bursts through the doors, almost pushing me over and walks to the middle of the parking lot and stares at the sky above the arcade.

I suddenly get sucked into his mind I see what he sees. The place looked like Hawkins but more dead and dark. There was lightning and storm clouds, but no rain and the air smelled weird. There were floating white particles in the air and I look straight and see the boy, which I recognised, it was William. He was still staring at the top of the arcade. I walk toward him with caution. When I reached him, I looked up and saw a shadowy figure, with long limbs, like tentacles, and no face. I was positioned over the arcade building.

I stared at it and then, it turned it's head toward me. I immediately felt a mental attack when it fully faced me and it hurt so bad. I fell to the ground, clutching my head and screaming in agony. The pain was indescribable and it was slowly travelling down my neck. I started to feel light headed when I heard someone call my name.

"Denise? Hello?", I heard. I felt that person trying to shake me awake.

I opened my eyes and saw Dustin crouching in front of me. The pain started to fade but I felt really weak. I fell over the floor behind me and Dustin supports me up. I felt something wet under my nose, I was probably bleeding again. I looked behind Dustin and I see a blurry image of Jane and Maxine. My vision refocused and my hearing recovered and when it did, I was immediately woken up from my daze by Michael and Lucas shouting at William.

"Will, wake up!", Michael shouts as Lucas tries to shake him awake.

William just stood there emotionless and stunned.

"Will!", Mike shouted again, and shaking William.

After about ten seconds, William blinks and snaps back into reality. He stumbles at first because Lucas was still shaking him but he regains balance quickly. He holds his head in his hands while bending over.

He looks around and sees me on the ground, looking exhausted and his looks back at Michael and Lucas.

Michael and Lucas then looks at Jane and Maxine and Dustin follow suit. Jane walks up from behind and picks up my arm. I would have pulled it away but I was too tried to protest. She pulls up the sleeve to reveal my "005" tattoo. She beams and I get nervous. What does that mean?

She lets go of mine and pulls up the sleeve to reveal her own tattoo, 011.

"Eleven?", I say in confusion.

"Yes, I am number 011," she says.

I try to reach me arms up to hug her but I was paralysed. She bent down instead and I accepted the embrace.

Inside, I was confused, I thought their were only ten children. Suddenly it was like her mind opened up and I was sucked into her head. I saw a flashback of her in Hawkins Lab, she was looking around in one of the nusery rooms and there were a few other children with her. There only five children in the room with her, and it seems like I was not there. She seemed slightly younger than the rest of the kids, and their faces were familiar. Then she looked up and saw Dr Brenner, he picked her up and brought her out of the room.

I flashed out of her mind, then I had a sudden flash back of my own. I remember I used to communicate with another girl, 008, from another room when we were 5. I would sneak into her room sometimes, and other times, slip messages through the doors. The flash back was of when she wrote on the paper that she had not been tested on for two days since a new child called 011 came into her room. Dr Brenner had been especially focussed on her for the entire week. After a few hours, I snuck to her room and we planned out escape with two other children who over heard us. We managed to escape without the scientists knowing because we just sat in the room talking and planning all day and the scientists never took any of us away for testing or monitored us closely.

I snapped out and saw the others staring weirdly at me. I got up from the floor, wiped the blood off my nose and smiled at Jane.

"Thanks Jane, you actually helped us escape the Lab," I said.

"Your welcome," she said confused. "You can call me Eleven, or El for short, only in private though,"

"Oh okay, El," I said.

I look at the rest and say shrugging, "I guess I never got to a proper introduction of myself."

I raised my hand and said," I am Denise, you probably know that, and I moved from New York City to Hawkins."

I shrugged and Dustin elbowed Maxine.

"Call me Max," she said, sticking out a hand.

"I'm Mike," Micheal went next.

"I-I'm Will," William said.

"I'm Lucas," while sticking out a hand to shake, and I accepted.

"And I'm-"

"Yes, Dustin, I know", I said, stopping him.

Dustin sighed, "So what can you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like what super powers do you have because like El has telekinesis," Dustin said.

Eleven immediately slaps him.

"You have telekinesis?", I repeated in shock.

"Yup", she said stepping away from Dustin. She holds her hand out and suddenly Dustin starts to leave the ground and float around.

"This feels weird", he comments.

"That's cool," I say in awe.

She gently puts Dustin down then looks at me.

"So what can you do?", she asks.

The other started to look at me like curious children at a magic show.

"This is really lame but I can read minds," I sigh.

"Wow that's insane," Dustin says.

He steps away and points at his head, "What am I thinking about now?"

I take a quick peek and it was obvious he was thinking of, "Branchiosauruses"

Dustin looked at me in shock and I gave him a sly smirk.

Lucas taps my shoulder, "Try me, what am I talking about?"

"Guys this isn't a toy," I told them.

It didn't help, Mike and Maxine started to point to their head and ask me to read their minds.

"We shouldn't over used our powers," I say louder.

They don't seem to hear as they get louder and closer.

"Guys!", I shout really loudly.

They all finally keep quiet. I breathed in to calm myself down and exhaled then said, "These powers can't be used for granted, there can be very serious damage done if it is used unwisely."

"Like what?", El stepped forward  and asked.

There was suddenly a honk of a car, I realised we were in the middle of a car park and we all walk toward the arcade.

"It isn't safe here, we need to go somewhere private," I told them.

Someone said Mike's house so they took their bikes from the bike park and Max and I picked up our skateboards.

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