Chapter 51

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Today was the day we were all waiting for. The day we were going to close the gate. We were allowed to sleep in today because we were going to attack at night, when the Mind Flayer was active. Our final training and preparation started at noon, first with some mental exercises to warm up our minds, then with some training from Hopper who instructed us on what to do if someone passed out or got injured.

The plan was to strike at night, so after dinner, Hopper gave us an hour to prepare ourselves before we headed to the school. The numbers all sat on their beds in the barracks nervously, waiting for the buses. Hopper had passed us some armoured stuff for us to put on, in case there was an force that throws us back or something. We were all just in silence as we put on the padded stuff.

Everything we have done has lead up to this moment. I strapped on the knee pads, thinking about what would happen if we failed. But it just turned into a bunch of conflicted thoughts. No, we couldn't fail. There's no way we could fail. But what if we do, remember what happened to Eleven? No, you'll be fine, there are ten other people helping you, plus there is still cover.

Once I finished putting on all the pads, I sat on the couch and continued to comtemplate. I continued to think about what Dr Brenner said, that we may lose our powers after closing the gate. I guess I dont mind, if it's for the greater good. But these powers mean so much to me. It's been a part of me since I was a child. I wasn't ready to lose them. I looked at the others still sitting on their bed and mentally preparing themselves for this moment. I haven't told them about what Dr Brenner said, but I didn't tell them because I didn't want to break the spirit. Even without reading their minds, I knew that their powers are a big part of who they are.

"Hey," Dustin said, sitting down beside me, and interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey," I replied.

"Nervous?", he asked.

"Yeah, I am," I said, looking down.

"Don't worry," he said, grabbing my hand.

"I know that you will succeed," he said.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thanks but-"

"No buts. I know that you can do it," he said.

I just accepted it.

"Bus here! Kids, let's go!", Hopper shouted from the door.

They all looked up and got out of their beds. We all lined up and got on the police bus. The numbers shared one bus while the other people shared a different bus.

When they shut the door, the thought of whatever Dr Brenner told me came back. I felt bad about not tell the others the truth about their powers, but I was scared that they might suddenly back out and refuse to cooperate later on. But I felt guilty for not telling them.

"Hey Denise, you okay?", Kali asked breaking the silence.

"No, not really," I told her.

I knew the rest of them heard me, because they turned towards me.

Suddenly, the engine revves and then the bus starts moving. It was kind of the perfect time to tell them.

"So, I have been talking to Dr Brenner a lot over the past few days. And I learnt a lot about who we are and how our powers work. However, there is something you all need to know, but I have not told you guys anything because I am scared that you might change your minds and lose your determination and spirit," I said.

Everyone in the van turned to face me. They had concerned looks on their faces.

I took a deep breath. It's okay, they can't turn back or really do anything about it.

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