Chapter 36

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While we were on the way back, I decided to talk to Kali.

"Dude," I said to Kali in my head.

"What?", she answered. She knew how to telepath so she didn't say anything out loud.

"Dr Brenner talk to me just now."

"Yeah... so what did he say?"

"He said that we need to trust him-"

"Woah, woah. What? Oh heck no!"

"Listen! He told me he was sorry."

"Is he really though?"

"Well, I'm not too sure. But he told us that we need to cooperate with him for the next few days. He's going back to jail anyway."

"But I'm scared, what if he doesn't follow his word?"

"Well, there's no way he can do that. He is being watched 24/7, either by Hopper or other officers."

"But still-"

"Yeah, I know it's difficult but he really didn't mean any harm. When I was talking to him just now, he seemed really sincere."

"But are you sure he's really telling the truth, and not a really good liar?"

"I can't be 100% sure. But I guess we should just cooperate with him, but don't let your guard down, in case something happens," I said.

"Wait, we can read his mind in the realm later," Kali said.

"The realm? Really? That's what you call it"

"Well, it's better than the "medium"," Kali said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, we'll do it at home," I said.

My Mom stopped at the burger king and bought us food. Then, we reached home a few minutes later. I was exhausted, even though I didn't really do anything during the day. My mother put the food on the table and we ate. We had to wake up early the next morning so we needed to sleep early too.

I was about to go to the bathroom to bathe and wash up when Kali called me.

"Hey, you said that we will visit the realm," she said.

"But our TV is downstairs," I said, putting my clothes on my bed.

"Then we'll go down," she said.

"Fine," I said, waking out of my room.

We creeped downstairs and Kali went to get some towels to use as blindfolds. I took the tissue box and then turned on the TV. I quickly turned down the volume so my mom won't notice and think we are watching the TV. Kali came back and sat down beside me. I turned the screen to static and then sat back down. She threw me a towel. I tied it over my eyes, then grabbed her hands. I blinked and opened my eyes.

Woah, entering the realm was so much easier. Kali and I still shared strength through our hands. I thought of Dr Brenner, then he appeared. We walked towards him. I stuck my hand out and we entered his mind. My head was much less painful. I looked around and saw his memories floating around, they were like little bright coloured orbs. Kali was also looking around. Then, I caught a memory he had of the talk with me just now. I touched it and we entered that memory. And we saw everything from his point of view.

"We aren't done yet," he told me.

"What more do you want?", I said.

Why was she angry at me? Did that come off wrong?

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