Chapter 45

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7 am, I needed to get up. Sure it was summer, but now was boot camp. The other numbers were still on their drugs but they will be fine by noon, since they were jabbed yesterday morning.

I got up and looked at the others sleeping. So much for playing truth or dare past 12 last night. I got off the couch and got ready for today.

After washing up and changing, I went over to the canteen block. Again, I saw Dr Brenner sitting at the same table, looking over some papers, but this time with Hopper. I walked over to the basket to grab an apple and some water.

"Morning Denise!", Hopper said when he noticed me.

"Morning!", I said, then bit into the apple.

"The other kids should be coming in half an hour, still a lot of time before training today," he said.

"Yeah," I said, continuing to eat my apple.

"How are the numbers doing?", Dr Brenner asked.

"They're still asleep but they seemed fine last night," I answered.

"Yeah, last night," he said quietly to himself.

"Um, Hopper, can I speak with Denise privately for a while?", Dr Brenner said.

"Sure," he said, getting up from his chair and walking toward the door.

I slid into Hopper's spot.

"Why did you call me last night? In the void," Dr Brenner asked.

"It wasn't my idea. But you weren't supposed to see or hear us yesterday. I don't know we've never done it before all together and we didn't know the limits or the extents of our powers. I hope we didn't interrupt you from some important stuff yesterday," I apologized.

"No, it's okay. I don't blame you," he said.

"You did know about the void? That it exists and we can use it?", I asked.

"I did, but I only used it with Eleven. I wasn't sure if the rest of you could also use it."

He moved his papers to one side and continued talking.

"Did you know I made Eleven use the void to contact and Upside Down and open the gate?"

"You told me yesterday. But how does it work? Don't you need to know where you are going before we can use the void?"

"Kind of. When Eleven was in the void, a group of engineers used a machine which is meant to go so fast it was supposed to rip the time-space continuum. However, it still was not fast enough and we needed extra energy. We asked Eleven to move towards any large waves of energy and somehow she was able to cross over. She told me that she woke up something, which eventually tore its way through and opened the gate."

"Wait, Eleven was able to walk through worlds by the void?"

"I guess. I theorized that the void is an empty space in the middle of our world and the Upside Down, which is why Eleven was able to cross over so easily."

"But how would you explain why when there is only maybe one number, they can only contact and find people, but not be able to interact, but when there are more, we can start to interact with the people we contact in the void?", I asked.

"I think it's because of the amount of energy you guys hold. Because the biological organism in your brains allow you to control static and radio waves, and you are able to use that energy to read minds, lift things and control heat. In the void, you hold a certain amount of energy, which allows you to rip holes in the different worlds. When there are more of you, you all hold more energy in total and are able to rip more holes, which allow you to contact, locate and interact with others," he explained.

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