Chapter 9

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It seemed like a routine now. The boys always showed up to my place during the weekends. I mean i didn't mind since I avoided them at school and hung out with Jordan most of the time. Mike and Will sometimes sat aside doing homework at the table in my backyard while Dustin, Max and Lucas try to out do each other. Eleven concentrates on her "weightlifting" at the other side and I monitored by the table so no one gets stabbed or something.

Today, Mike decided to play with the others but Will still sat at the table. Dustin likes to shout a lot and Mike will always tell him to shut up. I kind of like his boisterous attitude and the ability to have strong and open expressions. It was Mike's turn to throw and I looked over at Will. He stopped writing and was looking at Mike. Mike did a few horrible attempts and Will was giggling at him.

I didn't need to read his mind to know what he was feeling. I still did to check though. It was obvious anyway.

"You like him, don't you", I asked Will.

"What?" Will asked.

"Mike, you like him," I reiterated.

"No I don't," he denies.

"You were literally admiring him and giggling at his failed attempts to hit the target," I told him.

"That doesn't mean anything."

"Don't forget, I can read your mind," I threatened him.

"Fine," he sighs in defeat. "Promise you won't laugh at me?"

"Yes, but I already know," I told him.

"It's true, I'm gay. I like him, I always have," he confessed, looking toward Mike. "He is so nice and kind. He really cares for me and I wish I could tell him that i like him like that."

"But he is with El, isn't he?"

"Yeah. I don't have a chance with him anymore. Eleven seems to have stolen his heart and I am stuck with a hopeless crush on him," he says, head tilting downward.

"Hey it's okay, I think you would find someone who is right for you eventually," I tell him, trying to sound sympathetic.

"Thanks, but please keep this a secret between both of us. They all don't know about it," Will says.

"Okay, I won't tell," I say.

"IN YOUR FACE MIKE!", I hear Dustin shout from across the backyard.

I giggled to myself.

"You like someone too huh?", he says back to me.

"No, I don't," I said.

"You literally just giggled at Dustin," he said.

"I actually don't know anymore," I said.

"What do you mean?", he asked.

"I feel something weird inside whenever he is around," I started.

"But I have no idea what it is. My lack of emotion does not help. But this was something new that is tugging me," I confessed.

"Well, do you know whether he likes you?", Will asked.

"No, I am too scared to know the answer honestly," I sighed, watching him.

"I understand," Will said.

They all started to walk toward us and Will and I pretended like that conversation didn't happen.

We were all sitting down and talking when Will suddenly got up from the chair and stared above us.

I was sucked into his mind again. He was back in the upside down. The Mind Flayer looked down on us and then the house. Then I snapped out.

Mike was in front of Will again, shaking him awake. Will got out of his trance a few seconds later.

Dustin asked me,"Was that the Mind Flayer again?"

"Yeah, but it didn't care about Will. It looked towards the porch, where we are," I said.

"What does it want?", Lucas asked.

I just shrugged but I had a small idea. If it didn't care about Will, then it wouldn't care about Dustin, Max, Mike and Lucas either right? Maybe it was Eleven, since she closed the gate on it. And last time it shot a look at me.

"It's getting late, got to go," Max said, getting up from the porch.

"Same," Lucas said, following her.

Slowly, everyone started to leave except Eleven.

"About the kids," she said.

I knew exactly what she meant. I walked into my house and she followed me upstairs. Once we reached my room, I pulled out my folder.

"Who do you want to start with?", I asked.

She looked around and pointed at 007.

"Um... okay," I said.

It was this boy called Harry, though, she may have changed her name.

She grabbed my hands and as I was about to pull them away she said, "I want to try something."

"Sure," I said, trying to express my awkwardness.

"Close your eyes and concentrate on your powers on my mind, then try opening your eyes with her eyelids close," she explained.

"What?", I said in confusion.

"You'll understand once you do it,"

Whatever, I shrugged. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my powers. It was harder than I thought, as I usually used my eyes to help me.

Then I opened my eyes, with my eyelids still closed. I saw Eleven in front of me, holding my hands. I let go of one.

"See, it's not that hard," she said.

I looked around, it was pitch black. I could only see Eleven. I spun around to look at this medium.

All of a sudden, at a distance, a boy sitting down on a couch appeared. Eleven started walking toward him and pulling me along. We both stood in front of him. She motioned at me to read his mind and I did. I saw his past, he was one of the children who escaped with me and 008. He had X-Ray vision and could see through walls. When he escaped, she went to an orphan home and just stayed there until a couple had adopted him a few months later. He had moved to a different state a few years ago, not too far from Indiana I am sensing.

Eleven pulled me away and I was out of her mind. I knew Eleven saw what I did. She sighed and asked if she could try something else. I nodded. And the 007 and the couch disappeared. I spun around again and saw a woman in a rocking chair. Eleven pulled me along, walking toward her.

"Mama," she whispered.

The woman was staring off into a distance. Her nose was bleeding and she was mumbling to herself. Then, she stopped and stared at us. A second later, El and I were stuck in a loop of memories. El shook my hand, signalling me to do something. I closed my eyes and used my mind to try to access her memories and pause the loop. El shook my hand again, not sure what was the signal but I was definitely doing something. Then, I tried to reorganize her mind, as it was a jumbled mess. Her cognitive thought was every where and she was stuck in a coma-like state. After rearranging her mind, I opened my eyes again. Somehow, we were out of her mind and staring at her.

She had stopped mumbling. She looked down and started to wriggle her fingers and then move her arms, then legs, and then she managed to peel herself off the chair. She wiped the blood off her nose and stood up. She turned toward us, like she could actually see us. Then, she just disappeared.

Eleven looked at me confused and excited. It didn't look like she made her disappear. Then she let go of my hand. And disappeared.

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