Chapter 40

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"And these are the barracks you will be sleeping in tomorrow, or if you wish to, today," Eleven said, ending of the tour.

Hopper allowed everyone to go home, the party, Kali and I walked into an other block for a debrief while the other numbers got to meet their parents to go home or get their bags to stay here.

I pulled Eleven aside.

"I need to tell you something," I whispered.

"What's the matter?", she asked.

"Well, it's actually who. You know Louise, 004?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He's been annoying me and Dustin the entire day."

"I mean it's pretty obvious. Why are you telling me this?"

"I think it's because he likes me. But Dustin already told him that he is my boyfriend. He still doesn't get it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Um... I don't know, but in case Dustin or Kali aren't around, can you stay beside me, or at least keep an eye on Louise?"

"Sure," she said.

I already told Kali about Louise on the bus. I think I shouldn't annoy anyone else with asking for protection. Maybe I should tell Hopper? No, he has enough things to do. The last thing I want to do is give him more problems to deal with while running the camp.

We entered the canteen block, where Hopper was supposed to give us the debrief. He was leaning against one of the tables.

"Well done everyone. Thanks for your help today. I'll tell you what's going to happen tomorrow when you come back tomorrow. For now, we just need to clean some of the barracks, make sure no fences are broken and stuff like that. The rest of you can do your chores, Dustin and Denise stay behind," he said.

The others left the block to do their chores. Dustin and I stood there. We knew what was coming.

"I told you guys. Stay in the campus, do not bring weapons and to tell any adult when you want to leave the room," he said.

"Yeah, and we're sorry," Dustin said.

"We were going to be back before we were leaving for the barracks," I said.

"Denise, shut up," Dustin whispered.

"Still, you should have told someone," he said.

We both looked down. He sighed.

"Dustin, I know it's your last days with Denise, same with you, Denise, but there are rules to keep us safe. I don't want you guys to get hurt or captured by another society who do the same things as Hawkins Lab. I know you really want to spend time with each other but this camp is not the place to wonder off so you can have some time on your own," he said.

"Well, what if there is someone in camp that is making me uncomfortable?", I grumbled.

"Who?", Hopper asked.

"Louise," I said.

"Denise, shut up," Dustin repeared, louder this time.

"Dustin! He snitched on us! We wouldn't have gotten into trouble if it were for Louise," I almost shouted.


Dustin sighed. I let the cat out off the bag. I was so angry I wasn't even thinking.

"Who is Louise?", Hopper asked.

"He's one of the numbers, 004. He was annoying me and Dustin and snitched on us when we went for a walk," I said.

"Why is he snitching on you?"

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