Chapter 43

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We just spent the rest of the day watching movies and taking care of the numbers when they woke up. I wanted to show them the void, or as I liked to call it the medium, but also to see what happens when we all enter.

I told my mom that I was staying over for the night, just because I felt like I had to be there with the numbers. I volunteered to sleep on the couch, because there were no other beds and I was not going to sleep in the parent's room.

The boys and Max left in the evening and I went to wash up and use the bathroom. The numbers were still tired when they woke up and most of them went back to sleep a few minutes after waking up.

As much as I tried to forget about it, I kept quiet about the stuff Dr Brenner told me in the afternoon. I didn't tell anybody, other than Will, what happened, but I trust Will didn't tell the others about anything.

It was near bedtime but the numbers didn't want to sleep. I managed to get them out of their beds and on the beanbags and couch near the TV. Now we were playing truth or dare.

"Tyler, truth or dare?", Lainie asked.

"Truth," he answered.

"Have you had kissed your first kiss?", she asked.

The others "ooo"-ed

"Em... no," he nervously answered.

"Are you sure? That wasn't very confident," Clarissa teased.

"Yeah I never kissed anyone before," he said.

"Okay fine, Tyler it's your turn to ask," Lainie said.

"Sabrina, truth or dare?", he asked her, somehow pointing at her despite being blind.

"Dare!", Sabrina shouted excitedly.

"I dare you to lick Kali's ear," he said, pointing at Kali.

"Ew! That's more of a dare for me," Kali said.

"Sucks to suck," Sabrina said shrugging, surprising unfazed by the dare.

She quickly licked Kali's ear while Kali screamed. We all laughed at Kali's reaction.

"You are so gross! How are you not cringing right now?", Kali said, wiping her ear and looking at Sabrina who was laughing instead of wiping her tongue or something.

"I think it's more of a compliment that I am not grossed out by your ear, which is pretty clean. By the way Kali, truth or dare?", Sabrina said, pretty quickly.

"Er, dare," Kali quickly said.

"I dare you to get slapped in the face by all the guys in the group," Sabrina said.

"Why does it have to be the guys though?" Kali asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because the girls are more likely to slap you softer due to our sympathy. Plus, guys are stereotypical stronger than girls," Sabrina quickly ranted.

"Really? You think Tyler or Harry can win in an arm wrestling match to Denise?", Kali asked.

"When did this become about me?", I asked.

I turned to looked at Tyler and Harry, who looked slightly offended.

"Whatever, can we just get on with the dare?", Louise chimed in.

"Someone's eager," I said folding my arms.

"Yeah, fine, let's get this over and done with," Kali said reluctantly.

She crawled out of the beanbag and sat in the middle of the circle. Tyler moved forward a bit and give Kali a soft slap, then Jose gave Kali a slightly hard one. Louise gave a harder slap, then Harry whispered something to Kali before slapping her softer than Tyler.

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