Chapter 25

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It was summer and it was one of my last days in Hawkins. Jordan decided that we go to the skatepark today, since she was busy for the rest of the days, except for my farewell party and the day I was flying off.

Jordan asked Leah to come along and told me to bring my rollerblades, since I rarely brought them to the skatepark.

"Hey," I said to Jordan when I met her at the skate park.

"Hey," she said back.

Every time I see her now, I felt more guilty about going back.

"Hey," Leah said, who came from behind me.

I sighed staring at the park,"Well, this is my last time here."

"Yeah," Leah said.

This was the first time when I really got to know the clique. Before that day, I only talked to Jordan. But after the others got to see my skills, they began to open up. And this was where we met on most weekends. On other weekends, like during winter break, we would meet at Ross's house.

However, today it was just me, Jordan and Leah. The others had something on.

Leah went first. She was pretty skilled, though she looked like an amateur. I underestimated her skills when I first met her, because she was really skinny and didn't look like the type of person that can take a fall. But she proved me wrong on the first day. She did a few rounds then fell off her skateboard.

"Me next!", Jordan said.

She dropped down with her skateboard. Then, I felt my powers start to act up. But not the telepathy, like I felt like something was coming. I could feel it in the ground but when I looked at everyone, no one was reacting.

"Denise! It's your turn," Leah slapped me on the back.

"Oh," I said.

I skated towards the edge. I was about to go down when I felt the ground shake a bit. I stopped and looked at them. They were staring at me.

"Go!", Jordan cheered on.

I turned back and was about to go when the ground shook again. This time, I saw people reacting. People fell off their boards and others nearly tripped. Jordan and Leah pulled me away from the edge. Then I saw darkness surround the area.

"The Mind Flayer," I whispered to myself.

Then, the floors started to crack. People were fleeing and shouting.

"We got to go," I said, skating away.

Jordan and Leah took a second to react before going after me. I heard more cracking of concrete and people screaming. I looked back and saw black vines coming out from the ground, tearing the place apart. It was difficult to skate away with the ground shaking, but I was advanced enough to get away quickly. We didn't really know where we were going but we kept going straight down the road. We stopped skating when the ground stopped shaking.

I looked back and saw the light come back. Jordan and Leah stopped beside me.

"Do you think it's safe?", Jordan asked.

I shrugged. I bit my lip in thought.

"You want to go back?", Leah asked.

"Our homes are back that way anyway," I said.

"I don't think it would be safe to skate back down there," Jordan said.

"Well, I don't have a choice," I told her, looking down at my rollerblades.

"I guess you just have to be careful. Floors were cracking and stuff," Leah said.

I nodded. Jordan went ahead of us, back walking down the road. Leah and I followed behind until we reached the skate park.

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