Chapter 30

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We finished the rest of our food, but Joyce and Hopper didn't look like they were ready to leave. I was getting restless, so I got up.

"I going outside to get some air," I told the others.

As I was walking out, I saw Dustin also get out of his chair. He ran after me and got the door just as I reached out for the handle. He opened the door for me.

"Did you just run after me to open the door?", I asked as I walked out.

"No silly, I wanted to get some air too," he said, following behind me.

"Are you sure about that?", I asked, walking toward the car park.

"Yeah you got me," he said, scratching behind his head.

"I just want to talk," he said.

I grabbed his hand.

"Come on, let's go", I said, pulling him along.

I pulled him out of sight of the others and down a path beside the diner. I really wanted to go for a walk. I knew Hawkins well enough and I knew a path we could walk down that goes a short round back to the diner.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," I said looking down.

"No problem, that's what friends do," he said.

We were still holding hands as we walked along the road.

"So you are really ditching your skater friends for us?", he asked.

"Only for summer before I go. I'll get to see them again before I fly home," I said.

"You really don't have to-"

"No, I think I have to make it up to you, since I haven't been hanging out with you for a long time," I cut him off.


"Yeah, plus, Jordan isn't free the rest of summer so I have time."

We kept quiet and enjoyed the weather, the occasional breeze that would blow by, the green trees above us, the sun beating down on our back.

"I've been really wanting to talk to you for a long time," he said, out of nowhere.

"Same," I admitted.

"Were you really mad at me that day?", he asked.

"Yes, I was."

"I'm sorry."

"I know. I'm sorry for acting it out on you."

"Stop apologising, I know how sorry you are."

"I could say the same to you."

We stopped for a while, then he started talking again.

"Well, after that night," he said.

Oh, that night. After the fight, I was so bitter that every memory of me hanging out with the party became a regret. And whenever I recalled the night Dustin and I kissed, I cringed at the thought. I thought that I could never forgive Dustin for saying I was bossy, nosy and untrusted. But after seeing him again, I could not help but fall for him, even harder this time.

"Oh," I said.

"Were we more than what we are?", Dustin asked.

"Like more than friends?", I blurted out.

"Yeah, were we?"

"I don't know, but after we fought, we weren't even friends anymore."

"I know, and I want everything back. I want everything we had back then," he said, stopping and grabbing both of my hands.

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