Chapter 37

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I went back to the police camp the next day to run over a few more tests before tomorrow. They basically just checked my blood pressure and made sure my brain was fine and a bunch of other health stuff. Dr Brenner also ran a few more tests to test my strength. Apparently, the steroid they gave me wasn't the same as the ones they gave Eleven, it was slightly stronger. So Eleven had to get the jab too. But she said she would do it with Kali and the other numbers.

It was Sunday. My Mom got me and Kali up early so we could meet the numbers. Kali and I were really excited. It was my dying wish to see the number again and get our story striaght. I'm not sure about the others but everything is in bits and pieces, some parts make sense but many others still need explanation.

My Mom drove us to the High School, where we would meet them. Hopper sat us in a room and told us what was going to happen.

"Okay, Joyce, Lauren and I are going to talk to the parents in his classroom, if there are any. I may or may not pop into you room during the day, but I'll warn someone. You guys need to tell them what is going to happen in the week," Hopper said.

Lauren is my Mom's name, I feel kind of weird saying it.

"You guys can talk and do whatever until lunch time," Hopper said.

"Sure," Kali replied.

And the rest of us nodded.

We went out of the room to go into a different classroom, nearer to the entrance. We won't be greeting them, we will just come in later. The police and other officers will lead them into th building. Eleven did some scanning earlier and found out that all the numbers were in Hawkins as we speak.

"Oh my God, I'm so excited," Kali said, in the hallway, while we were walking to the room to meet them.

"Same, it's been my life long wish to see them again," I said.

Hopper told Eleven, Kali and I to go in first, then the boys and Max will go into once the room is calm. Once we got the signal that all the kids were in the room, Eleven, Kali and I hurried down to the room. We were so excited, Eleven has been talking about this for days, but Kali's excitement could not compare to any of ours.

Before we entered the room, I told Kali to calm down and just sit down. We did prepare a few things before we got down to business so it would be more light hearted. As I opened the door, I hear some chattering, followed by silence. I opened it fully and looked at the numbers. They were seated according to their numbers, in a circle, just to make everything simpler and more organised.

They looked at us as we went to sit at our places, I sat between 004 and 006, Kali sat between 007 and 009 and Eleven sat between 010 and 001. Kali and Eleven looked at me and asked me to start first.

"Hey everyone," I said, waving.

"I am sure you are all scared and confused. But we invited you all back to Hawkins because we need your help, but before we get down to business, let's introduce ourselves. You know names, numbers, powers and if you want where we live" I said.

I felt like a teacher during the first day of school. Gosh did I cringe.

I looked at 001. His eyelids were shut and he had a walking stick beside him. Wait he was blind?

"001, or Tyler? Can you start first?", I said.

"Okay," the skinny, dark haired boy responded.

"Hi, my name is Tyler Ross. I am number 001," he said, showing his tattoo on his wrist.

"I have the ability to see into the future, but I can't see in real life. When I was kidnapped by the Hawkins Lab, they took away my sight and gave me powers instead," he said.

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