Chapter 33

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I woke up in a different room. No bright lights this time. I heard murmuring beside me. I saw moving figures above me.

"Shh, she's awake," I heard someone say.

I couldn't recognize the voice because my brain felt like mush. Finally, my vision refocused. My hearing sharpen and I could move my hands and legs, they were free. I pushed myself up from the bed. I saw the figures step back as I sat up. I looked around the room

"Where am I?", I asked the person next to me, which was Kali.

"You are in a makeshift hospital room in the old Hawkins Police barracks in the old Hawkins Police camp," she said.

"H-h-hospital?", I stuttered.

I had to get out of here. I pushed myself to turn around and get on the ground and get out. But someone stopped me before I could touch the ground.

"Where do you think you're going?", they said.

I looked at them.

"Mom? What are you doing here?", I said.

"Kali and Hopper told me you were unconscious. And they were bringing you to the hospital. I told them about your phobia and then Hopper decided to bring you here. I was concerned but also proud of you, because you survived in a hospital for 6 hours."

"Firstly, Mom, this isn't a hospital. Secondly, I was unconscious 95% of the time. Thirdly, I want to get out of here."

"Well, you can't," a more sad voice came from behind me.

I turned around and saw Dustin.

"Hopper said that the injection would make you sleep. And will soften your muscles so you can't walk," Dustin said.

"Hey Dustin," I said, ignoring whatever he just said.

"Hey, are you feeling better?", he asked.

"Physically, yes. Psychologically, no," I answered.

My Mom pushed me back on the bed and made me lie down. She propped up the bed so I could sit up and see everyone.

"How long will I be here for?", I asked.

"Hopper said you should be out by tomorrow," Eleven said.

"Tomorrow?! Not even in a few hours?"

"Unfortunately, no. The chemical was pretty strong," Eleven said.

I grumbled. I hated this. The fact that I was wearing a hospital gown didn't help.

"Can I at least change into something less... hospital-ly?", I asked looking down at my clothes.

"Luckily for you, I brought you some clothes," my mom said, taking out a hoodie and sweatpants from her bag.

"Thanks, I'll change when everyone leaves later," I said.

My vision started to get better so I was finally able to see everyone in the room. Eleven, Max and the boys stood on my left while Kali and my mom stood on my right. Dustin hovered his hand over mine and so I took it. I saw him smile.

"So, did Hopper tell you guys anything?", I asked Eleven and Kali.

"Yeah. So the kids are going to stay here, in the old barracks. They are going to train at the stadium nearby and then, after about a week or something, we go fight the Mind Flayer," Kali said.

"But before they come here, we meet them at the High School on Sunday Morning. Hopper and a few of his officer will be there to guard the school in case there are spies. And we will get the chance to talk to them for a few hours and tell them everything. Hopper, Joyce and your Mom will handle the parents," Eleven added on.

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