Chapter 53

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After defeating the Mind Flayer, some of the numbers still wanted to hang around Hawkins before going home. Unfortunately, Clarissa and Mildred had to go home right after camp as they had other things to do at home. The rest of us remained in Hawkins and spent our summer together. We watched a few movies at the cinema, played games at the arcade, races on our bikes down the roads and had a few games nights with the Party.

By the way, if you are wondering what was going to happen with Eleven and Hopper, don't worry. Terry told Hopper that she was still recovering so Eleven continued to stay with Hopper.

But summer neared to an end. The numbers had to go home, and so did I. On the last few days of being together, we made small scrap books where we pasted photographs and wrote messages to one another, to keep as a memory, considering we won't see each other in person for a very long time. We even made one for Clarissa and Mildred, and sent it to them in the mail.

Hopper managed to get things sorted out with Kali. Because Kali had not officially turned herself in after she escaped from the Lab, Hopper was able to label her as found and allowed my mother to adopt her, with my father's approval. Now, she was literally my sister and she could fly back with me to New York.

I was able to see all of them at the airport before they flew home. I have yet to pack my things and was leaving slightly later.

I spent the last day with Jordan and the others. We had a pool party at Ross's house, as promised. As I spent more and more time with them, I decided that maybe my time here was too short.

Dustin's POV

I only got to see Denise a few days before she actually left. I give her a goodbye present, which was a bunch of 3 musketeers bars and a card. I didn't get to see her off at the airport, unfortunately, but she understood. My mother wanted to bring me out of Hawkins for the week, and in the middle of the week was when Denise left. The whole time I felt guilty for not seeing her off, but time with my Mom was important. She was lonely, plus I had left her for the entire week. I had promised to spend a week with her after camp. I would have felt more guilty if I didn't spend time with her than miss seeing Denise off.

After that week, I was relaxed. I had forgotten about the guilt and got a new cat. Her name was Snowball but I like calling her Mews 2.0 but she looked almost exactly like her. I spent another day with the boys before going back to school.

Lucas and I cycled to school together and met up with the others in front of the school. Eleven had learnt how to ride a bike after camp and cycled up to the school with Mike and Will. Max was dropped off by her brother.

"Ready for a new year?", Mike asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed, remembering that I won't be seeing Denise.

"Yeah," I said with my head down.

We parked our bikes into the lots and locked them up.

"I know, I'm sad too," Will said to me.

I smiled and held his shoulder.

Together, we walked into the school. We were all in the same homeroom so we stuck together.

We walked past a small group of students huddled together, whispering among themselves. Wait, Jordan and Ross. And the others. They smiled at us as we walked down the hall. My friends looked at them confused, not sure what happened or why they smiled at us. Denise and I never told them that her friends also helped in the battle of the Mind Flayer.

Just then, we turned down the hall and I looked up. I saw a girl with long black hair walked toward the classroom. Wait, I recognised that backpack.

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