Chapter 26

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I am stuck here in Chicago. But I wanted to see Jane. I wanted to go and find her and hopefully the other kids. I especially missed 005, or as I knew her on the last day, Denise. But I could not risk going anywhere outside of the warehouse at this moment.

Sure the police were on our tails 24/7, but right now we are in the worst position possible. We almost failed at escaping the murder of one of Dottie's exfriends. We were unsure if the police found our hiding spot but Axel was getting real mad.

"Kali!", he shouted.

"What?", I responded.

"It's been one year, in fact more than a year, and you still can't let go of the fact that Jane had abandoned us," he shouted at me.

He was blaming me for failing to finish the job, killing Dottie' s exfriend. I used to be the executioner of the group, because of my lack of sympathy and guilt. But ever since I met Jane, everything had changed. I became more and more scared to pull the trigger on anyone. I always saw Jane somewhere in the room. And I am always distracted. Axel would have to shout at me several times because I notice I have been spacing out.

"Well, I am sorry. If your long lost sister came back to find you, wouldn't you feel something?", I retorted back.

"Well, I killed my sister so don't try," he threatened.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Funshine for some comfort.

"To be honest Kali, he is right. You've been slacking off since Jane left," he admitted.

Even Funshine could not help me.

"Whatever, I am going to bed," I shouted and walked away from the rest.

I sat on my bed and thought for a while. I slapped myself a few times. What was wrong with me? What the hell did Jane to me? Why couldn't I be numb anymore? I laid on my bed. It's like this almost everyday now, especially after a failed escape. I would try to think that maybe I will feel better the next day, and that all of my emotions would fade away, and that I will return to my normal state. Never did that day come, in fact it only got worse.

I was about to go to sleep when I heard a voice.

"008!", I heard.

I jumped up and looked around but saw no one.

"Whose there?", I asked, scared.

"Its Denise, 005," the voice said.

"Am I going crazy?", I thought out loud.

"No, it's really me. Close your eyes and try to open it without actually opening it," the voice said.

"What?", I said in confusion.

"You'll understand when you do it. Oh and focus on your powers," the voice said.

Seemed like a lot of steps but I tried anyway. I closed my eye and focused on my powers then opened it, without opening my eyes. I was in some void. It was dark and I was confused. I turned around to see a girl with long black hair standing some distance away from. I walked towards her and she saw me and started walking toward me. I noticed her nose was bleeding profusely.

"I can't do this for long so I need you to listen carefully," she said.

I just nodded, but I was not sure if this was real.

"This is all real and I need you to go back to Hawkins," she said, pulling up her sleeve to reveal a tattoo saying "005".

"What?", I said in confusion.

"No time to explain, just go to an arcade in Hawkins in the afternoon, and you'll find me," she said.

"Um... okay," I just replied looking down.

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