Chapter 14

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It's been over a month since anything exciting happened.

Eleven hasn't told me anything exciting. Just that her Dad has been ambushing scientists at the Hawkins Lab and they had stop coming a week ago. He had a whole cell block full of them but none of them opened their mouths to say anything. Hopper had invited me over to one of the interviews but I could not anything. I still could not think of anything to kill the mind flayer. Will tells me the same thing every time I ask him, that the mind flayer has not done anything. But he says that his episodes are going away.

Today, I planned on going to the waterfall in the middle of the forest with Jordan and Leah, another girl in our clique. She didn't seem like the type that liked to skate but she did. She is an American girl who is pretty advanced in skateboarding. I knew we planned to do it a long time ago, but I didn't feel safe.

We all met at Jordan's house since her place was the nearest and we started walking to the edge of the forest.

"You sure you know how to get there?", Leah asked me once again.

"Yes, now follow me," I said, with a compass and map in hand.

We all walked toward the center of the forest. We were all pretty fit so no one was complaining. I had gotten pretty close to Jordan over the last month and I was pretty comfortable with the rest of the group. However, it was mostly made out of guys, Leah, Jordan and I were the only girls.

After about half an hour of walking and talking, we finally made it to the waterfall, we knew we were nearby when we hear the sound of water crashing nearby.

Leah got really excited and ran ahead of me once we heard the sounds of water. When we reached, I admired the view. It was beautiful. I would never find something like this in New York, ever. That's the good thing about living in Hawkins. Though it was the middle of autumn, Leah took off her shirt and jumped in the water. Jordan did the same. I just followed them and jumped in the freezing cold water.

"Damn, Denise's got abs," Jordan teased.

"Yeah, I worked hard for these," I said as I flexed.

Leah had swam closer to the waterfall and Jordan and I followed behind.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Leah said to herself.

"It's insane," Jordan says.

We all played around in the water for a while, then we eventually got out. We sat on the edge of the water, wrapped in our towels. We decided to have some girl talk, since we couldn't do it around the boys.

"Hey Jordan," Leah said.

"Hey Leah, what's up," she replied.

"Do you like anyone?", she smirked, wriggling her eyebrow.

"No one in our school," she answered.

"Is it anyone we know?", Leah asked.

"Not really," Jordan answered looking at me.

"Oh, I see," Leah winked.

"How about you?", Jordan asked her.

"Honestly, I kinda like Gerard from Algabra," she said shyly blushing.

"Oh my God, like human calculator Gerard," I chimed in.

"Why not?", she said.

"He is such a nerd," I said.

"Well not as much of a nerd as your Dustin," Leah said.

"Wow what?"

"He always sits with you in history."

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