Chapter 50

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After dinner, I stayed behind at the canteen. I waited until the others left before walking over to Dr Brenner.

"Dr Brenner, do you have a few minutes?", I asked, sliding into the seat opposite him.

"Sure," he said.

"By the way, thanks for keeping the promise this morning, you know, not telling the others you already told me everything."

"Yeah, no problem. What is it you want to talk about?"

"Well, I was thinking about tomorrow. And that even after all the training we went through, is it possible that the gate will not close or something? Is it possible that the Mind Flayer might get stronger? Is it possible that we will fail?"

He paused for a few seconds to think before answering.

"Well, I am not entirely sure myself. But what I do know that this plan isn't foolproof. What we have do is to make the chance of closing the gate higher, but it doesn't mean the plan will be a 100% success. I am not sure what will happen or what we will do if this plan fails due to the little knowledge anyone has on the Upside Down or alternate universes . However, I do hypothesise that if the plan does succeed, and you indeed close the gate, there may be consequences."

"Consequences? What sort of consequences?", I asked.

"I suspect that the closing of the gate will cause an imbalance in the world, if this is the only gate to alternative universes or other worlds on Earth. In order to restore balance, the Earth has to go back to the way it was before."

"What do you mean?"

"Some supernatural activity will be gone," he mumbled to himself.

"I still don't know what you are talking about."

"Fine, I'm going to say it, but you won't like it," he said.

He took in a deep breath, then exhaled loudly.

"You may lose your powers."

"Wait, what?!", I shouted in shock.

"Shh, no one knows this yet. Its my own personal hypothesis," he shushed me.

"Why did you tell me?"

"You asked!"

I sighed.

"Fine, can you please explain this hypothesis?"

"Do you remember that after Eleven fought some monster call the Demogorgan about two, three years ago, she was teleported to the Upside Down?"

"Well, she came back."

"That was because the gate was still open. There was energy holding the worlds together, allowing people and creatures to cross over easily. But with the mission you are going on, you are not only fighting a creature from the Upside Down, you are also theoretically pushing our worlds apart, closing the gate."

"I still don't see how this explains why me and ten other kids will lose our powers," I said, crossing my arms.

"Don't you see? In order to defeat the Demogorgan, it took Eleven. I see it as a sort of sacrifice. When the gate closes, what is the other supernatural thing that's still around? Your powers. However I don't think that defeating the Mind Flayer will transport you all to the Upside Down, considering there are eleven of you and it would take a lot of energy to teleport eleven people as compared to one person. I feel that it would take away something else instead, like your powers.

"And if instead the gate closes and it is the only gate in the world, it may cause a large rebound force, possibly throwing you all back due to the separation of worlds. And if your powers are connected to the Upside Down like I theorize, the disconnection between our worlds will cause your powers to deactivate. Either the disconnection between worlds and or the sacrifice of your powers may cause you all to lose your powers."

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