Chapter 23

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Eleven's POV

I guess Denise is history now, but it didn't matter. My dad told us that we would need to sacrifice spring break if we wanted to stop the Mind Flayer. We all reluctantly agreed. My Dad also managed to get Nancy, Jonathan and Steve some gun training while the others stuck to archery, because we weren't old enough. But I had to do my own training and missed out on all the fun stuff.

As soon as Will told us about the Mind Flayer making its way to Hawkins, Hopper made all of us go through boot camp, kind of. The boys and Max did physical training on weekends after going to Denise's house and during winter, they trained in an indoor stadium and shooting range. Though the boys still can use a bit of work, they were faster, stronger and more agile. Max was ironically better than all them. Nancy, Jonathan and Steve had their own days to train but some days they came over to watch them, and laugh at them.

Mike was the strategist. He was usually the one arguing with my Dad and Steve over some ways we could defeat the Mind Flayer. Usually none of his plans would actually be taken seriously but there were good days when my Dad would take his plans to consideration. Usually when he had an idea, he would tell us about it and we would tell him if it was ridiculous or good, and, usually depending on his mood, he would tell my Dad later. I admire his intelligence so much and his dedication to this mission.

Max and Lucas were the fighters. They were the most fit, out of us, and the best archers. Dustin was the moral support. And Will was the mediator. Will stops most of the fights between us and was also the most wise. I would call him the "mom friend" but that's Steve. Jonathan and Nancy were usually around to look out for their siblings, but they were also good fighters. And then there's me. The main target. The supernatural hero. The "supposed" strongest person. I understand what Denise said about why she hates using her powers. Because of my powers, I am separated from my friends. It's like I'm not part of the squad. Sure sometimes I would join them for archery for fun, but it's for fun. They are there to train. I feel left out if anything.

Anyways, today was the day we were all training for. The day we were taking down the Mind Flayer. Actually, we were just closing the small opening into the Upside Down. According to Will, the opening was at the Middle School, in the sports hall. The plan was for me to close the opening. Though the opening was small, it was big enough for demodogs to get through. However, Hopper had not seen any demodogs coming through the gate yet. But in case something went wrong, Hopper asked Jonathan, Steve, Nancy and the Party to cover me. He also had a few officers follow him.

We all met at the school parking lot. We were getting prepped for the mission. Jonathan, Nancy and Steve were getting their guns and protective gear while the Party was getting their bows, arrows and protective gear, except for Will because Joyce was scared that Will might get possessed again. The party was given some boiling water to dip their arrows because the things in the Upside Down were scared of heat. I had my own set of protective gear on, in case I get thrown back or fall, at least I won't break my back.

I went to sit down on the ground and watch the others get ready, then Joyce came and sat beside me.

"Are you nervous?", she asked, and she put her hand on my back.

"A bit, but I've trained a lot for this," I told her.

"I think you'll be okay. Just be careful," she said.

I nodded and looked at the school. Even after all the training I had, I was still nervous. Sure I've gotten stronger, and sure I have closed the gate on the Mind Flayer before, but I was scared that something might go wrong. Maybe I get distracted, my mind slips out of concentration and then the Mind Flayer attacks. I don't know. But I had a feeling that there wasn't going to be a happy ending to this.

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