Chapter 1

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Moving back was one of the hardest choices to I had make. After the trauma that happened almost 9 years ago, my parents don't want me to go back. I had begged and reasoned with them but they won't allow me. I had to use manipulation to get my mother to accompany me. Honestly I was on a secret mission of my own, to find out more about my past.

I was kidnapped in Hawkins when I was about 2 years old. But I managed to escape after three years. I somehow found my way home and my parents and I moved to New York City in that same week. It was in New York City, where I changed my name and trained for battle. Though the battle never came, I continued to train.

It was only until recently that I was curious about my past. Where was I taken to? What really happened in Hawkins? What did they do to me? I only vaguely remembered. Memories came in tiny bursts. But I was unable to piece the puzzle together. But the tattoo on my wrist gave it all away.

005. Code names for test subjects. That was what I was, a guinea pig. I was successful in receiving whatever they were giving me. At the age of four, my powers started to develop and I was able to read the minds of almost anyone who stood in front of me. It got really confusing at first but I managed to control it and used it to escape. I escaped with three others, 008 and two other children. After escaping the lab, we went our own ways but promised each other to meet again. We never did see another again, or maybe it was just me. Over the years, my powers started to evolve and I was able to control it better. Before I escaped, I could only read minds, after a few months of self discovery and private "training", I realised that I could also control minds. And that was how I managed to "convince" my mother to move back to Hawkins for a few years.

It was also the perfect time to return. I was really persistent on going back because I recently read that the Lab shut down a few months ago. I didn't have to worry about the danger of being kidnapped or abducted by the scientists. Even if they tried, my training has prepared me enough to fight and escape.

My mother managed to find a house we could stay in for the 5 years I am taking to do my research, 4 spent in high school and an extra for a rest before moving back to New York. It's been a week since we moved from New York to Hawkins, and the change has been very drastic. For one, it's very quiet. Its a small town in Indiana where "nothing ever happens". There is lots of land everywhere and barely any high rise buildings. And everywhere is much further away from each other. It has probably changed from what little I remembered. The place has modernised and has an arcade nearby my house, which is great for relieving anger and stress.

Before the flight back to Hawkins, I did a lot of research in libraries and looked up old articles from 1972-1974. I wrote down notes and printed out articles of the possible kids who were also kidnapped. I narrowed it down to 10 children, one of them being myself. I kept everything I found in a folder and brought it to Hawkins with me.

I tried to find the identity of the children because it was also my wish to meet those kids again. Since I have been more curious about my past, I wanted to talk to someone else about it and to find out more. I wanted someone that I could relate to, as I was immediately taken away from them once I found my parents. The kids were my best bet. If I could find each one of them in Hawkins maybe, that would a dream come true.

I have another week before school starts and I know that I will probably meet at least one of my lost test mates. It may not be 008, but nonetheless, it would help me with my aims for my return to Hawkins. 

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