Chapter 20

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After winter break, we all returned to school.

I still remembered that night with Dustin and how I experienced emotion for the first time. It was a magical yet scary night for me but after that, not much has happened. The morning I woke up, I was back to my normal self again, even Dustin was confused. I spoke as monotonously as I did. I think these emotions only happen at extreme times, either when there is an extreme high or low.

Anyways, like always, I went to my locker first thing when I entered school. Leah's locker was a few lockers beside mine.

"Hey Denise! How was your winter break?", she asked, walking toward me after shutting her locker.

"I had a nice one, how about you?", I asked, still looking for my math book.

"Oh it was great, my family and I travelled up to Chicago to visit some relatives," she answered.

"Nice," I said, finally finding my book and shutting my locker.

"Hey guys!", Jordan said while running towards us.

"Hi Jordan!", Leah waved.

"Oh my God I have to tell you guys something later," she said.

"About what?", Leah jumped with excitement.

"You know what, but we need to do it privately. Meet at the back of the sports hall during lunch," she said.

We nodded then walked to class. Leah was in a different homeroom so she went down a different corridor.

"Ooo, is it about Terry?", I teased.

"Yeah," she blushed and looked down shyly.

"Well, I have something about Dustin later too," I said.

"Ooo, okay hopefully Leah had something about Gerard too," Jordan joked.

We kept quiet as we turned into class. As usual, the class was mostly full once we entered, because we usually came in five minutes before homeroom started. Dustin saw me I waved. I gave a small wave back. Jordan nudged me to tease me and i rolled my eyes at her.

School continued as usual, then it came to history class. I had to sit next to Dustin. This was going to be awkward, considering that night. I slowly walked to class, as I dreaded walking in. Dustin was already there. I pulled out the chair and sat beside him.

"How are you feeling?", he asked.

I could sense the concern in his voice.

"Not much," I said.


"Yeah, it's strange but I think it only happens in extreme situations."


"Did you tell them?"

"The party? About that night?"

"Yeah, did you?"

"I only told Will, but I'm sure he's secretive enough. You didn't tell Jordan or anyone anything, right?"

"No," I said.

Mr Powell walked into class and Dustin and I straightened up and looked up. We kept quiet throughout class, which was weird considering that Dustin always talked to me during class. But I was also quite relieved as I got to actually listen to Mr Powell for once.

Later during lunch, I stayed behind after PE class to meet Jordan and Leah behind sports hall.

"Why do you always have this band aid on?", Coach Johnson asked as I was packing up my stuff.

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