Chapter 49

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Surprising no one came to ask me for their memories after lunch. Maybe they forgot or they were really thinking about it.

Anyways, we carried on with the day as we had planned. After lunch, we rested for a while before going to the stadium to play captain's ball. The first round was a normal game and the next few rounds was the modified version.

Knowing this was probably the last time we could play this, I went all out. I took it easy on the others last time, but now was not the time for it. I spoted Tyler exchanging candy with Steve, who were betting on the games.  Everyone used their powers to their full extent. It was tons of fun, and thankfully, no one got injured. Wait, no one got injured. I tripped several times but there wasn't any pain or injury. The others also fell a lot due to the traps and stuff but no one got injured. Maybe it was just the adrenaline, but even after the game, no one reported any injuries. I thought it was strange but maybe their adrenaline levels were still high. I mean, Lainie was still jumping from all the excitement. I decided to look past it for now.

We all returned to the barracks to rest and wash up. Again, no one came to ask me for their memories. Maybe they really forgot. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and some people like Jose and Clarissa went to take a nap.

I started to think about the entire week. How did no one go crazy from not stepping outside the camp? How did no one try to start a rebellion? I know it's been only a week but the number were all teenagers. We have not been outside, like out of the camp, in a week. We had no idea what was going on our there. Whether my highscore on both Pac man and Galaga were beaten. I low-key wanted to go home, but like, my home in Hawkins. I started to feel weirdly homesick. I not that I was not homesick at all. I did feel like that on the first few days in Hawkins, but I guess my determination had diluted those feelings over time. I shifted on the couch and looked around at the others. Their faces suddenly seemed unfamiliar me. All the people that surrounded me are people that I have either known for a week or about less than a year. Yet we shared the same room and were sitting very closely together like a tightly knit family. How did this happen? I was over thinking again.

Dustin noticed my discomfort. And grabbed my hand.

"You wanna go outside?", he whispered.

"S-sure," I stuttered.

We both got up and quietly made our way out of the room. Once we were outside, Dustin pulled me aside.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, my voice still shaking.

"No, you're not. You are shaking. Tell me what's wrong."

"Okay," I said defeated.

"But it might seem pathetic. I was just over thinking about everything. Like how the numbers and I have gone a week without going outside? I think I might be going crazy."

"Hey, hey its okay," he comforted me, patting my shoulder.

I started to hyperventilate. Then, he held me closer and I clung onto him. What the hell was going on? He whispered to me some thing about breathing so I did some breathing exercises I learnt from my coaches back in New York when I got nervous during competitions. He continued to soothe me until my breathing went back to normal.

"What time is it?", he asked, breaking the hug.

"3," I answered, looking at my watch.

"We can go out for a short while. And be back in time for dinner," he suggested.

"Wait, how?"

"I can ask Steve to take us on a short car ride to the town."

"Do you think Hopper will be okay with it?", I asked.

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