Chapter 34

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I woke up the next morning, and I jumped when I saw that I was not in my room. Then, I remembered what happened yesterday. I pushed myself up and saw Kali asleep on the couch in the room and my mother asleep on a chair next to me. I looked the other way and saw some 3 musketeers bars on my night stand with a note beside it.

"Love, Dusty", it read.

"Aw," I whispered to myself.

I knew it wasn't good to be eating candy bars in the morning so I tried to get up. I slid myself to the side of my bed and tried to stand up. Once my feet touched the ground, I pushed myself off the bed, but held onto it. My legs slowly adjusted to my weight and once I felt stable, I let go. Then, I tried to walk. I moved one leg forward, but I felt like I was walking on ice. I wobbled and clung back to the bed. I used the bed to support me while I walked. I walked around the bed, and when I felt that my legs were finally back to normal, I tried to get to the bathroom. I moved, one step at a time. I was a few steps away from the bathroom, it shouldn't be that hard. But after taking three steps, my feet felt heavier. Then, on the next step, my foot slipped on something. I lost balance and I fell down. I landed on my butt on the floor.

This startled my mom and Kali awake.

"Holy shit! Are you okay?", Kali said, scrambling to get out of the couch and help me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.

"What happened?", my mom asked.

"I tried to get to the toilet on my own, but I slipped and fell," I told her.

"You should have woke me up," she said.

"I know but I wanted to be independent," I said, shaking off Kali's hand

"Denise, listen," Kali said, grabbing my arm again.

"Sometimes, you can't do everything on your own. You need ask others for help, if not you are going to hurt yourself," Kali said guiding me to the bathroom.

I hated to admit it. I knew I needed help. But doing things alone is how I always survived. Sure I had coaches to teach me different skills but I end up pushing them aside once I master it. Now that I say it out loud, it's kind of ungrateful.

I held on the to bathroom door before pushing it open.

"I think I handle it from here," I told Kali.

"Okay," Kali said.

She shut the door and let me be. My legs was suddenly drained from all strength and I clinged onto the walls. I grabbed onto the sink for support. I guess my legs were stronger than yesterday. I could barely move my legs yesterday. I used one hand to support me while I used the other to wash my face. I looked up and saw how tired I looked. I wonder how long it would be until the steroids wear off.

I opened the door and Kali took me back to my bed. Mom put came in and gave me a plate of food.

"Today the party is going for training at the stadium. Maybe we can see them later," Kali said, sitting next to me.

"Okay," I answered before biting into the sandwich.

Kali also had her food and ate beside me.

"So, I talked to Hopper yesterday," my mother said.

"And he said that I'm going to be helping with this mission," she continued.

"I hope you are okay with that," she said.

I chewed my food and swallowed.

"Sure," I said.

I was actually pretty happy that my mother was going to help. We've been running away like cowards for years. It's good to see my mom up and wanting to fight. I guess in a way, she doesn't want her daughter to fight alone.

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