Chapter 41

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"Alright, I'll do it. It's for the better of Hawkins," Eleven said.

She agreed to getting the jab. Now I have to run back to the block to tell Dr Brenner the news, like in his little message boy, or girl.

"She said okay," I told him once I reached the building.

"Send her with the next number in a few minutes. We'll get the apparatus ready," he said.

"Sure," I said.

I was aching to ask him more but I saw that he was busy. I just shrugged it off and waited until it was a better time. I went back to the barracks to tell Eleven the news.

"When it's Sabrina's turn, you follow her," I told her.

She nodded and turned back to the movie.

One by one, they all went Hopper said that the scientists or nurses will return them to their beds once the last person has gone, to not traumatize them. Once the movie had ended, Tyler was brought in on a stretcher, followed by Jose. They were transferred from the stretchers to their beds. Next, Sabrina, Louise and Harry came in, then Kali and Eleven came in. I guess Lainie and Mildred must still be getting injections and doing other tests.

They all were changed out of their previous clothes and into hospital gowns. I hope they doesn't traumatize them when they wake up. Will got up from the couch and sat next to Tyler while the rest of us still sat there.

"Dude, what's up with Will?", Lucas whispered.

"I don't know. He's been really quiet since the numbers came.", Max whispered.

"That was yesterday, and he is always quiet," I said quietly.

"But still, he seems more quiet than usual. Like, he didn't talk to us during lunch yesterday, or during chores, or when we rode up to the barracks. He's also been separating himself from us a lot," Mike said.

"Wait, he isn't even talking to you?", Dustin asked Mike.

"No! I'm afraid something's wrong," Mike said.

I was afraid to tell them, but I thought it was quite obvious as to "what was wrong", yet they don't seem to be catching on. But I was afraid that Mike would be jealous, even if he wasn't Will's boyfriend.

"Oh, Denise knows something," Dustin said.

The others turned towards me.

"What?", I said, pretending that I didn't actually know anything.

"You so do," Dustin said.

"I do not. What, do you have telepathy now too?", I said.

"No, but I know that you are a terrible liar," Dustin giggled.


"Yeah. Also, whenever you know something that we don't, you always stay quiet and don't talk. You fidget a lot and face away from us."

"Thanks Dustin, now we know," Lucas said.

"What the hell!", I nearly shouted at him.

"So, is it true? Do you know something? Like what's bothering Will?", Mike asked me.

"Well, yeah. But I'm afraid to tell you."

"Why?", he stood up angrily.

"Because I don't think it's in my place to tell. Plus, you may get angry," I warned.

"Is he happy?", he asked.

"Yeah, most likely."

"Then, why would I get angry? Just tell me," he said.

I looked at the others. I know he can be an emotional wreck, because Dustin told me everything. They all just looked at me, kind of nervously. I could tell that they weren't sure about the outcome. I looked at Will, but he seemed too distracted by Tyler.

"Promise that you won't get angry at him or me?", I said.

"Promise," he sighed, staring at Will.

"Well, Will likes someone new. He likes Tyler," I told him.

Mike continued to stare at Will quietly. The others looked at me, unsure of how to react. I couldn't tell whether Mike was angry, or sad, or jealous, or maybe happy for Will. But he seemed a bit heart broken.

"Is he happy?", he finally asked.

"He seems to be," I replied.

"Why didn't he tell me anything?"

"Maybe he just wanted to find the right time. And that he is certain about him and Tyler being a thing."

"Well, I trust that he has good reason," Mike said.

"Are you jealous?", Dustin asked.

Lucas, Max and I looked at him. Why the hell would be ask that? Its gonna make him angrier.

Mike didn't answer straight away. He gazed over at stared at Will got a few seconds, then his eyes moved towards Eleven. He smiled as she saw her there,  though I felt it was kind of a pathetic sight as she was knocked out.

"No, I was never Will's boyfriend. I'm not jealous. And I'm not gay, so there's no reason to be jealous. And I am totally supportive of Will's decisions. I'm not angry or jealous," he answered.

"I think he's lying to himself," Dustin whispered to me.

I mean, yeah. It's clearly obvious. And I don't think he's straight, or very straight. He cuddles with Will and stuff. Maybe he is coming to his senses that he hasn't been a loyal boyfriend to Eleven, because of Will. But he was jealous that Will has found something new to admire and is slightly heartbroken. Oh wait, I'm just reading his mind.

Mike walked out of the barracks by the side door.

"Where are you going?", Lucas asked.

"Just getting some air. It's a bit stuffy in the barracks," he said, then walked off.

Lucas and Max kept quiet, but I knew that they knew that Mike needed time alone to think. And that he clearly has feelings about Will's new crush.

I looked over at Will, and he looks back at me for a few seconds, then turns back to Tyler. I still didn't think it was in my power to tell Mike that he has a new crush. And started to regret telling him anything. I know that Mike won't hurt Will, or anyone that Will loves, but I was scared that this might affect their friendship. I didn't know whether I should tell Will about what I told Mike but I can't talk to Mike right now. I don't know if I will be in time to stop him from saying anything about his crush to Will unless Will says something himself.

"Second movie or nah?", Dustin asked me.

"No, I already feel gross after watching one movie," I said.

"Okay," Dustin said, turning around.

I got up and went out of the barracks to walk around. The summer Sun was out and bright. I went to the canteen block to get some water and hopefully a snack that is not chips or popcorn. While walking I saw Mike pacing back and forth, clearly deep in thought. I looked at him, deciding if I should say anything, but decided against it and walked on.

I reached the canteen block and saw some of the scientists and doctors there. They were probably having a break now, or planning something else. I saw Dr Brenner sitting at a different table and looking at a bunch of papers. I looked at my watch, and saw that there was still a lot of time until the numbers were supposed to be awake. Maybe, in the mean time, I could ask Dr Brenner some things I've been needing answers to before I never see him again.

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