Chapter 12

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Did you think that I was going to sit on the sidelines and wait for Eleven's dad to do all the research? Oh heck no.

The day after the party was in the basement, I prepped for the trip. I packed whatever I could, even a camera I "borrowed" from my mother. I put a knife in my boot and strung another around my neck. I didn't have school that day so I didn't have to worry about it.

I left my home, this time without my skateboard or rollerblades, and went towards the Lab. I walked towards the Lab in the middle of the forest and grabbed the fence to look inside. I saw the car parked there, but the Lab still seemed like a ghost town. No lights were on and no one was around.

"Hey kiddo!", someone shouted. I turned around in fear putting my hand near my neck, to reach for my knife.

It was a police man. He had a beard and a sheriff's badge. He was pretty tall and big, don't want to mess with him.

"This is government property," he said, pointing at the Lab.

"Go along, get home. Your parents are probably worried or something," he said shooing me away.

"Really?", I asked back.

"Don't be stubborn kid. Move along," he said.

I grumbled but refused not to move.

Suddenly, a car drove by behind us. We both turned around to see where it went and it turned into Hawkins Lab.

"I have no time kid, get going," he shouted, causing me to look back at him.

"No," I said. I checked his mind first. He was Mr Hopper, Eleven's dad. Hopefully if I show him the tattoo, he won't freak out.

I pulled back my sleeve and showed him the tattoo.

"005. You're one of the kids," he said. I nodded in response.

We heard the sound of a car door shut. Mr Hopper and I ran toward the fence to peek inside. A man wearing a lab coat walked into the building. I looked into his mind to see what he was up to, but I couldn't do it. When I wanted to try again, he entered the building and was out of sight.

"Kid, I really think you need to leave," he said.

"I can't," I just said and walked towards the entrance.

He just followed me. I think he gave up because he stopped telling me to go home. I check the security post before walking in. Mr Hopper and I quietly walked toward the building. He hear him pull out his gun and I held my knife in my hand just in case. We both looked at each other before walking into the building.

It was dark, and had really dank smell, although it was abandoned for only a year. Mr Hopper pulled out his flashlight and scanned the area. I scanned around for any signs of life.

I really don't want to be here anymore. The lighting, or lack thereof, made it more creepy. I remember what happened now. When I look down the hallways, I could see myself running around them while the scientists tried to catch me. When I looked into one of the room, especially one with an observation panel, I could see children being tested on, tortured or being injected with chemicals. And behind the panel, I will see Dr Brenner smiling to himself while we scream for help.

"Focus kid," Mr Hopper snapped, when I was staring into one of the rooms.

We went down to bottom floor, assuming the scientist went there. But we kept a close eye on every corner, making sure we didn't make a sound. When we reached the basement, there was a light in the other side. Hopper walked ahead of me and I followed behind. He kept his flashlight, and held his gun closer. I reached into my boot and took out the knife there. I took the knife off my neck and held it my other hand.

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