Chapter 44

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"Is it the place where you contacted us?", Lainie asked.

"Yeah, I discovered that everytime another one of us enters the void, we are able to unlock new abilities. I want to see what we can do if we all enter together," I said.

The others just looked at each other and shrugged. Eleven moves to turn on the TV and turn it to static.

"You all remember how to enter the void right?", Kali asked.

They nodded.

"Okay, everyone put on your blindfold and hold hands," I instructed.

We weren't sitting in order so I was not sure how it will work out. I was between Sabrina and Kali. The others were also scrambled. Whatever, I thought to myself.

After tying the cloth over my eyes, I grabbed Sabrina and Kali's hand. I could tell when everyone held their hands, as I felt a small wave of energy pass through my hands.

"Okay, close your eyes and focus on your powers. Do not let go. Try to use energy from the TV to help you. I think you know what to do afterwards," I said.

I felt the forces and the waves of energy in my hands get stronger, probably because they were using their powers. I closed, then opened my eyes and saw that we were all in the void together. Though I didn't want to, I let go of Kali's hand so that all of us would form one line.

"Wait what do we do now?", Kali asked, her voice echoing throughout the void.

"I can contact anyone you want," Eleven said.

"How about Dr Brenner?", Tyler suggested.

"Woah, your eyes are open," Lainie exclaimed looking at Tyler.

Everyone turned around to look at Tyler and gasped.

"Apparently, I can see in the void. And only in the void. Most of the time, I use my powers to see," he said.

"That's so cool," Lainie squealed.

"Can we get back on course? I don't want us to bleed too much," Eleven said.

"Okay, I'll contact Dr Brenner," I said.

I summoned Dr Brenner into the void. He was a still a few foot steps away so I brought them closer to him.

"From what I know, he can't see or hear us. But we can see, heard and read his mind in here," Kali said while walking.

"Who's there?", Dr Brenner called out.

He seemed to be at his desk at Block 4.

"Oh crap he can hear us," Sabrina said in surprise, and stopped.

Dr Brenner got up from his chair.

"I hope he can't see us," Harry whispered.

"Kids?!", Dr Brenner said in surprise when he turned around and, apparently saw us.

"Oh shit he can see us too!", Lainie shouted.

"Calm down," Dr Brenner said.

I stepped forward but Sabrina pulled me back.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? It's Dr Brenner you idiot," Sabrina shouted at me.

I turned around and saw the other kids scared. I don't know what to say to defend Dr Brenner. The other kids were slowly retreating.

"Hey Dr Brenner, how's everything going?", I asked as casually as I could.

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