Chapter 47

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Its been a few days of training, and it's been tough. I underestimated how sore I was going to be on the second day. It has been a while since I've ran more than three rounds around the track at the stadium. The other numbers were not having the best time too.

After our physical training came our mental training, which Dr Brenner had specially assigned to us. He had specially tailored different methods for training our powers. Different numbers had different training. Mine was controlling the minds of some K9 dogs the police had at the time. People like Eleven and Mildred did "weight lifting" but with their telekinesis. Kali told me she was put in some imagination class and the other numbers had different stuff.

By the third and fourth day, everyone was tired out. We used to stay up at night and talk about our day but most of us found it hard to stay awake during dinner because we were so tired. By the third day, most of us went to bed right after dinner.

After the fifth day, Hopper gave us an announcement at dinner.

"Well done everyone, you have all worked so hard and I applaud you all," he said enthusiastically.

Lainie was the only one that cheered while the rest of us tiredly and unenthusiastically wooped.

"Tomorrow will be your break day before we fight the Mind Flayer. I need you guys to recover before the big day, I want all of you in tip top shape," he said.

We all nodded, then went back to our food. After dinner, most of us, including myself, went to wash up and went to bed. But Kali wanted me to stay awake with her.

"Denise," she said, when I walked into the room, about to go to bed

I groaned.

"What do you want? I'm really tired," I said, rolling onto my bed.

"Well, Sabrina and I want to talk to you about something," she said.

"Can we do this tomorrow?"

"Please?", she begged and dragged the word like a little girl.

I rolled over and pushed myself up.

"Fine," I groaned.

Kali's bed was beside mine and Sabrina was sitting on Kali's bed.

"What is it?", I asked them.

"Well, I remembered you told me that you have the ability to unlock memories and heal those with memory issues," Kali said.

"And I remembered that you said that when we were kidnapped, our memories weren't erased, just paused and repressed," Sabrina continued.

"Where is this going?", I asked impatiently.

"Well, do you remember anything from your past? Before Hawkin's Lab?", Kali asked.

"Well, I do. That's how I found my parents. Because I had memories of them and I was able to find my home because I remembered the road which I lived down. But I thought I unlocked your memories too, right before we escaped," I said.

"You kind of did, but didn't. I don't have memories of my past. Like my parents or where I lived. When we escaped the lab, we were lost. I think you didn't unlock any memories, but you were about to heal us from Hawkins Lab's brainwashing," Sabrina said.

"So, you want me to help you unlock your memories?"

"Yeah, I would like that," Sabrina said.

"Are you sure? Like I get it for people like Tyler, Mildred and Lainie who got their parents back but for you, I think it's going to cause of lot of complications, since you are adopted," I explained.

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