Chapter 18

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It was finally winter break and Mike had invited the party over to his house for a movie and game night. Somehow, Dustin and Eleven convinced Mike to invite me over too.

I reached in the afternoon, after lunch and everyone else was in the house already.

"We were thinking of watching ET, is that okay?", Lucas asked when I settled on the floor.

"Yeah," I said.

We all sat in front of Mike's TV in the living room. Dustin, Max, Lucas and I sat on the floor, leaning against the couch while Eleven, Mike and Will sat on the couch. The popcorn bowl was passed around but it was mostly hogged by Dustin and Lucas. Other than the popcorn, there was soda that Mike had in his house as well as chips and other sweets that Dustin brought from home.

We were all so engrossed in the movie, though I had already seen it in the cinema not too long ago and I am pretty sure the others did too. The only sounds coming from us were the munching of snacks and popcorn.

Suddenly, Mike tried to reach over to get something from the side table and bumped into Will's hand, which was holding a cup of soda. His spilled the soda all over his shirt.

"Shit, sorry," Mike said.

"No it's fine. I'll go clean up," Will said, putting the cup down on the table.

"You can borrow one of my shirts. I'll bring you to my room," Mike said.

They both get up from the couch and went upstairs. We quickly turned back to the screen as we watched Elliot riding his bike with ET in his basket.

After a few minutes, Will came running down. His face was all red and he avoided eye contact with all of us. He grabbed his bag and jacket.

"Sorry guys, my mom called and I have to go," he said.

"But the phone didn't ring," Max said.

But Will made it out of the door before Max could say anything. Then, Mike came downstairs, his face also red.

"What happened to Will?", Lucas asked.

He just shrugged.

"I don't know," he said.

He sat down on the couch with Eleven. I managed to catch his eye and I saw what had happened.

When Mike passed him one of his shirts to change into, Will had leaned in and kissed him. From Mike's point of view, I could not tell whether it was accidental or on purpose but Mike kissed back.

I looked out of his mind. And the movie had just ended. Lucas and Dustin had pressed Mike on about Will but he would not say anything. I could see that he was embarrassed to tell them what happened and I don't think he was going to any time soon. I decided on a plan.

"Oh, I have to go. My mother asked me to run a few errands before the shops closed today," I lied.

They all nodded, and I told them I would be back later. I walked out of Mike's house and to Will's house. I needed to talk to him. I knew he was hurt and he needed someone to talk to. I was the only other person who knows about it. Not even his mother knows.

When I reached Will's house, I knocked on the front door. Mrs Byers opened the door.

"Hi, I'm looking for Will," I said in my most friendly tone.

"Oh Will? Now's not a good time," she said.

"I know what happened to him and I can help home please let me in," I pleaded.

"Wait, what happened at Mike's house?"

"It's complicated and I don't know if  Will is comfortable telling you what happened," I said.

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