Chapter 16

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This was our second mission.

Hopper had held Eleven back after school everyday so that she can contact Dr Brenner and know how close he was to Hawkins. He was moved to some laboratory in Washington after the lab shut down and was still there when we initially contacted him. El said that he was not alone, bringing a few other head scientists as well as bodyguards.

It's been a good five days after we both contacted Dr Brenner, and he was close to Hawkins. Eleven saw me in the hallways just after school ended. I was organising the stuff in my locker when I saw her.

"My Dad called. We need to get to Hawkins Lab now," she said.

"Okay," I said.

I told her to run ahead and I will catch up, in case anyone of my friends stopped me. As she walked ahead, I took out my skateboard from my locker and shut it.

"Hey," Leah said, as she saw me walking toward the doors.

"Sorry got to go," I apologized before running toward the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Running errands!", I shouted back.

I ran out the doors and saw Eleven pacing down the path toward the forest. I placed my skateboard on the road and caught up.

We both reached the entrance of the Lab after a few minutes of walking and running.

"Why did your Dad make us come here?", I asked as we entered.

"He said we are supposed to help with ambushing."

"Oh, okay," I shrugged.

We walked towards the police cars park nearby. Hopper saw us and motioned for us to walk quicker.

"Hurry up, we need to tell you guys the plan," he shouted

We both sped up and reached the group of officers.

"Okay," Hopper started.

"In order for this to work, we need to use you guys as a bait. You both are going to stand near the entrance of the Lab and lure Dr Brenner in so we can arrest him and make sure his body guards don't interfere," he said, pointing on a map of the layout of Hawkins Lab.

"Don't worry, I'll show you guys where to stand later," he said.

"What I need the kids to do is to make Dr Brenner follow them into a corner, further away from his body guards or assistants. So Eleven and Denise are going to run left, and make sure Dr Brenner is the only one following you. If he is not then Denise, try to use your powers. If that fails, both of you split up. The officers and policemen will be positioned in rooms beside the halls," he instructs all of us.

"If any of them attack you, then Eleven use your powers. Throw stuff at them, I have positioned shelves and stuff around the halls in case," he looks at Eleven, who nods.

"Denise," he says while handing me a pistol.

"You have shot a gun before, right?", he asked.

I held the gun in my hand and nodded.

He handed me some more bullets.

"Just in case," he said.

I kept the extra ammo in my pocket. After a few minutes, Hopper leads us inside the building. He shows us around and our spot for the ambush.

Once we were well aware of everything, Hopper asked Eleven for an update on Dr Brenner's location.

"He's nearby, driving toward us," she said.

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