Chapter 11

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I was back in school on Monday but my mind was still on Saturday. I had to find them, or at least Eleven. But it's school, if Jordan or anyone from the clique sees me, they may kick me out. Did I not tell you that their clique was on the lowest hierarchy of the school? They are basically looked down upon by every other clique, including the band kids.

I sighed as I walked past them in hallway. Maybe I can meet them after school at someone's house. Oh wait, I have history with Dustin later, maybe I can tell him later. I approached my locker to take out my books when Jordan came up from behind.

"Feeling better?", she asked.

"Yeah," I said, turning around. Then, shutting my locker. We both walk to class together. The bell was going to ring soon anyway.

I couldn't concentrate in the school, especially when the view from the windows was a forested area. I was still scared that someone was watching. I finally came to history, not only was Dustin there, but it was in a closed area. Our teacher liked to draw the curtains so it was good. During class, I slipped Dustin a piece of paper.

"Can you and the rest meet after school?"

"Its going to be difficult, we might have a meeting."

"I need to at least talk to Eleven"

"I could ask her to meet you at the back of the library during lunch."


"What's so important anyway?"

"I think someone is watching us."


"Dustin!", the teacher shouted.

"Yes, Mr Powell," he said, looking up.

He was made to read part of the textbook. And I wrote on the paper that I'll explain later in the library, if he wanted to come. For the rest of class, Mr Powell kept an eye on us so we didn't dare to write on the paper between us.

School felt like it lasted forever, until it finally came to lunch time. I usually didn't eat during lunch, or would eat like an apple or something. I sat at the back of the library, like Dustin and I did that day. There were no windows and stuff so it was quite safe. I was reading a book when I heard the door creak open. I peaked out of the shelves. It seemed Eleven came alone. I got up and signaled to her to come behind.

We both sat down in the dark corner of the library.

"Dustin couldn't come, he got held back by the English teacher," she whispered as she took off her bag.

"Whatever, did he tell you anything?", I asked.

"He just told me to meet you here and that you had something important to tell me."

"Oh okay," I said.

I scoot a little closer to Eleven, then whispered to her, "I think I am being watched."

"By who?", she whispered back, leaning slightly away from me.

"I don't know, but let me tell you," I whispered.

I told her about what happened on Saturday with Jordan, and what I saw.

"That's strange," she whispered.

"I felt weird when I left your house, like someone was following me. I turned around a few times but no one was there, but I did hear some rustling of leaves a few times. When I made it to the police station, I think the person left, because I heard a lot of rustling, like someone was running into the forest," she told me.

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