Chapter 28

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The next day, Hopper brought us down to prison that held Dr Brenner and his scientists. Although Kali has been here for a few days, she hasn't met the rest of the party. Today was the first time she was meeting them, because Eleven asked them to come along for moral support.

Joyce brought the boys and Max in her car while Hopper drove me, Eleven and Kali to the prison. Hopper actually didn't want the others to come but Eleven insisted and she also wanted them to meet Kali.

After she met Hopper that day, I introduced Kali to my hobbies: knife throwing and archery. She found it fun and was actually good at it, probably because she has handled guns before. I've shown her a bit of skateboarding but it's going to take a lot of practice to be good at it.

While we were on the way there, Kali and Eleven were talking in the car. But I kept quiet. Eleven, the party and I still have not reconciled. This was also the first time seeing them since school ended. I wasn't really excited to meet them. I felt guilty for what I said to them in the cafeteria, but I still didn't feel the need to forgive them for lying and betraying me. I sighed as I looked out the window, thinking of what to say when we get there. Whether I should talk to them or pretend to be friends for Kali's sake. I prepared to face the awkwardness between them later.

After another half an hour, we reached the prison which was really far out. It was a high security prison so we weren't allowed to bring weapons and stuff. Hopper told me to leave my knives at home and not to bring anything that may be sharp. As we stepped out of the car, Joyce's car approached the parking lot. The boys and Max stepped out of the car.

They saw Eleven and Kali and walked towards them. I stood behind Eleven and Kali, knowing that they didn't really want to talk with me.

"Hey Eleven," Mike said, hugging her.

"Hey," she replied.

Then, Eleven greeted all her friends and introduced Kali.

"Guy, meet Kali. She was the one I found last last year in Chicago," she said.

Kali said hi and everyone shook her hand and stuff. I looked over Kali's shoulder and saw Dustin. We both met gazes and I turned away uncomfortably. The more I looked at him, the more guilty I felt.

"Kids, no more wasting time, let's go," Hopper said.

We turned around and followed Hopper. I walked right behind him, followed by Kali, then Eleven, and then the party. Joyce walked beside Hopper.

Hopper scanned his key card and we entered the building. We were greeted by a bunch of officers who did a security check on us before we entered the interrogation rooms area. Hopper told us to wait outside until he calls us in. He opened the door and went in alone. I pressed my ear against the door but the officer guarding the door stopped me. I sat on the bench sulking.

I looked up and saw the party whispering among each other. I think they were talking about me but I didn't care enough to check their minds. Mike and Will were talking to Kali while the others talked among themselves. I sat there alone in silence but I didn't mind. I needed to mentally prepare myself.

"Denise," someone beside me whispered.

I turned and saw Dustin seated beside me.

"Yeah?", I said, folding my arms.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I know, and I'm sorry too," I said, biting my lip.

I didn't dare look at him, but I could tell by the hurt in his voice that he was either crying or on the verge of tears.

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