Chapter 19

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Dustin had invited me over for a slumber party at his house, but I was the only person invited so you really can't call it a party. After the movies and games at Mike's house, we walked over to his house.

"That was a nice thing you did for Will," he said, while we were walking.

"What did I do?", I asked.

"Didn't you say that you went over to his house to comfort him, he told you he was gay then you brought him back to Mike's to tell everyone else," he said.

"Oh yeah," I said.

We reached his house, which was really nearby Mike's.

"Welcome to my place," he said as he opened the door.

He hung his coat up and offered to put mine up once I took mine off.

"No thanks, I'm an independent woman," I joked as I put up mine by myself.

He raised an eyebrow as I walked around him.

"Hey Dustin," his mom says.

She was sitting on the couch in the room.

"Hey Mom," he said.

"Who's this you got here?"

"Oh this is Denise, she's staying over tonight," he said, pointing at me.

I waved at Mrs Henderson.


"Okay, have fun," she said.

Dustin motioned me to follow him upstairs to his room.

His room was less messy than mine at least. He had quite a lot of books organised on a shelf and had a desk full of even more books, some papers and stationery. He had posters of science and astronomy stuff on the walls of his room. Basically, it was a stereotypical nerdy bedroom.

"Nice room," I said, to sound nice.

"Thanks," he said.

He pulled out a spare mattress he had.

"This is yours," he said.

"Oh thanks," I said.

I put my bag down beside the mattress and sat down. I looked around his room once more.

"Is that where you keep all of your overdue library books?", I said, pointing to the stack of books on his table.

"They all aren't overdue, only some," he said.

I looked over to the other side.

"I thought you had a turtle," I said, not seeing a tank or a turtle.

"Oh, um Yurtle is around here somewhere," he said.

"Well, I'm gonna change my clothes."

"Sure, I'll be here "

"If I find your turtle in the toilet, I'm gonna scream," I joked, getting my clothes from my bag.

"Or you could just give him to me," he suggested.

I got and went to his bathroom to change and came back. He had also changed his clothes and was on his bed. I walked in and sat on the mattress.

"You can sit up here for now," he said, patting a spot on his bed beside him.

I got up and sat there.

"So, I don't really know much about you," I said.

"Same with you," Dustin said.

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