Chapter 22

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So I guess I have been keeping a lot from Jordan and the clique. Jordan and Leah have seen me fight but the others are still clueless. They need some explanation, or at least Jordan and Leah do.

Anyways, it was spring break, and we were skateboarding toward the mountains like we planned. We left Hawkins pretty early in the morning so we would reach there before sundown. We all tried to pack lightly, but being teenagers, we needed a lot of food and tent space to sleep so Ross asked his Dad to help drive some supplies over in the afternoon.

There was a smooth road down to the foot of the mountain so it was perfect. We did take a few breaks in between because the place was quite far but we managed to reach the place in the afternoon. Ross's Dad and the supplies were there when we reached.

The boys were setting up the tents while the girls were in charge of setting up the campfire. Jordan and I walked into the forest nearby and started collecting sticks while Leah setted up the campfire area.

As I was finding wood for the fire, I started thinking about what I should tell them. I trusted the girls very much, and I knew I could tell them secrets and they would keep them. But I don't think I can tell them the whole truth. Funny how the thing is the party knows most of my story, that I was kidnapped by Hawkins Lab and have telepathy, Dustin knows that I was bullied in Middle School, and Hopper knows more than anything. Yet, I was so scared to tell my actual friends anything.

"Hey, how much do you have?", Jordan shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I showed her the two big handfuls of sticks I had.

"Is this enough?", I shouted back.

"Yeah, I think we can go back," she shouted.

We both head back to the campsite where Leah were arranging stones in a circle for the fire. Jordan and I threw some of the sticks in the center of the circle and left some out in case. We looked around and saw that Leah had already set up chairs and mats around the fire.

"It's still pretty early to light the fire now. Maybe we'll help the boys," I said, looking at the boys.

Jordan and Leah nodded and we helped set up another tent. Once we were all done, it was nearly sundown. We all were assigned tents. The girls took the one of the bigger tents, so the guys could get the other tents. Gabriel and Ross shared one, Terrence and Louise shared another and Alex, Christian and Riley shared the other bigger tent, since they were slightly smaller compared to the other 4 boys.

Jordan, Leah and I quickly threw in our stuff and went to light the fire before the sun went down. We set up "the cooking stand" above the fire and the boys came back with some meat Ross's dad brought. Alex helped with the cooking while the other boys were preparing the smores for later. As the sun started to set, Terrence, being the cheesy mom friend that he is, took out his camera and started snapping photos of us cooking and hanging out. Unfortunately, we didn't have a tripod so we couldn't take a photo with all of us in it. So Terrence has to stick out his hand so we won't forget that he came with us.

When we finished eating dinner, the boys passed around some marshmallows and sticks and we took down "the cooking stand". They also passed around some graham crackers and chocolate for smores. Though I like chocolate and marshmallows, I didn't really like smores. So I just ate the marshmallows off the stick once it was roasted. Yeah I know, I got a lot of judgemental stares.

"Let's tell scary stories!", Ross said, while finishing his smore.

"You are so stereotypical," Leah said.

"Shut up, let's scare each other before going to bed," he said.

"Sounds like a bad idea, but I like it," Gabriel said.

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