one x

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Isabella's p.o.v-

I slipped out of bed and glanced at my wardrobe. I really don't know what to wear, all I do know is that i'm meeting even more of Cal's friends and I need to look presentable. I threw on some ripped white jeans, and a black bralette covered slightly with a red mesh shirt, which I planned to wear with my red, Adidas campus, hat and choker. I applied my usual makeup, and added a bold, red lip and sharp winged eyeliner. My hair loosely curled, I picked up my purse and walked out to the lift, after eating a quick breakfast bar.

I stepped into the lift and pressed the button for Cal's floor, I was meeting him there then his mates Will( who lives in this complex, yet ive never met him), Chris (who came all the way from Jersey), his roomates (who I already know) would also ...

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I stepped into the lift and pressed the button for Cal's floor, I was meeting him there then his mates Will( who lives in this complex, yet ive never met him), Chris (who came all the way from Jersey), his roomates (who I already know) would also be coming over. I tapped the knock myself and Cal shared, it was special, because then we knew it was each other. The door opened, and Cal pulled me into a massive hug, picking my up and spinning me around, because I hadn't seen him in awhile as he was away.

"Ahh ive missed you" I said to him as we walked into his living room, I then realised Harry, Callum (lux), and two unfamiliar people-who I assume to be Chris and Will-had seen the whole thing unfold.

"And they say they aren't in some kind of relationship" Harry sighed, I just laughed and began to introduce myself.

"Aight, I'm Isabella, its absolutely lovely getting to meet you" I grinned, "also nice Arsenal shirt, good choice, and also loving the jawline you have." I compliment people when I first meet them.

"Well i'm Will, a pleasure meeting you, no idea if you're a no contact person, hand shaker or hugger, so i'll let you decide." shit, he's fit. Like, so fit.

"I'm a hugger, definitely." I turned to Chris "And I'm going to assume you're Chris?"

He smiled and nodded his head, "that's me yep". I hugged them both briefly, then walked into the kitchen.

"CALLUM AIREY, WHERE ARE THE BROWNIES I BRANG HERE YESTERDAY FOR MYSELF, YOU SPENG CUNT." I swear to god if he's eaten my brownies shit would be going down. He can catch these hands. I heard mutters of, "oh shit" and "you're fucked, man"


He walked over, the guys silently laughing.

"please Isabella, please, don't hurt me."

I walked over to the sofa and had a very nice conversation with Will and Chris, and we exchanged phone numbers. I laughed at Cal and made him apologise, the whole time I snapchatted it. I stayed for a few hours then walked home, hugging them all goodbye.

Walking into my flat, I immediately collapsed of my bed and fell asleep-I'm bloody exhausted.

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