fifteen x

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Isabella's p.o.v-
We ran down the stairs, our smaller, vlogging cameras in hand, racing.
"I will fucking win bitch" I shouted, getting faster. I'm quite fit, so i wasn't out of breath at all, however Will was. I'm a whole staircase infront of him and we're two floors from the bottom, ahahaha. I span the camera round to my face, and stuck my tongue out because you could see an out-of-breath WillNE in the background. After reaching the bottom i filmed him running. I heard an extremely loud crash, and looked down to see Will rolling on the floor. We both burst into very loud laughing, and i held out a hand to help him up.
"My arm oh my." Shaking my head, i pulled him up and zoomed in on his face and messed up quiff, his hat halfway across the floor.
"You clumsy shit."
"Wow thanks Isabella."
"No problem man, always." I replied with a smile, and we switched off our cameras so we could walk to a busy-ish area.
"Okay so first dare isss,," I quickly scrolled through the #DareIssyNE tag on twitter, "Piggy back through a crowd, sounds lit."
I jumped onto Wills back, and he grabbed my legs, pulled him around his body. He started slowly walking and i carried both cameras, attempting to film.
"Okay so, my Uber's a bit slow." With that statement he started running in the busiest area possible, "fucking hell William i'm fearing for my life.".
I held on tighter to his shoulders before he put me down and took back his camera so he could choose the next dare.
"Right, go into a clothes store," He started smiling, "and then choose each-other an outfit you have to wear somewhere like nando's or pizza hut."
"You are going down, Lenney."
"So are you, Stevenson."
We both vlogged as we ran into H&M, after exchanging sizes for everything.
"Okay, so i'm going to start with some shorts-ah i think these will work." I held up some light blue, highwaisted booty shorts to the camera.
"Next has got to be a bralette, this one is actually really cute and might pick one up for myself." I flicked through the rack, picking up one in my size as well as the one that would fit Will the best.
"Now shoes, i was going to get heels but he has boat feet so it won't work, but they sell jelly sandals i here which is perfect." I grabbed a pair of glittery, lilac jelly sandals and put those in the basket too before Will saw me-as he was also in the shoe section. I found the accessories and chose a few-a choker and a ring.
"I just picked up my accessories so now im going to check out!"
I turned the camera off and payed for the items, thanking the cashier. Will was behind me with his bag, giggling to himself, which worried me.
"What have you done, Will?" Laughing, i raised an eyebrow.
"Mmm you'll see, and do you know where some toilets or something are?"
"Yeah, just round this corner."
Oh my god, what the fuck has he put me in. I'm standing in a slightly manky toilet cubicle wearing this. I firstly inspected the shoes-a pair of 8 inch, nude heels, which aren't too bad. But the outfit-oh my days. I stared at the knee length, black running shorts from the mens section and also the smart, button up shirt i'd tucked in. When theres a meeting at 5 but training at 8 amirite? No im not-what the fuck is this. I walked out of the bathroom at the same time as Will, and we both collapsed in fits of laughter, we're both messes.

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