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bruvvas i might do a sequel all from wills pov, explaining his side as we only ever really saw isabellas and i feel like he could add some spice you know.

so if you'd like a sequel then comment and vote ig? idkkkk

but thank you so much for the votes, the reads and the love this book got. this is the first fanfiction ive ever written and i started this in february 2018, now being october 2018 its been a long book and i feel like it needed to come to an end. 22k reads is so bloody amazing and I appreciate them all so much. i also have a w2s short fanfiction up called 'letters' if you fancy checking that out (all the parts are up), and i may be writing a calfreezy book at some point.
make suggestions, i never know what to write!'

thank you all🧡

33k reads, thank u xx

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