thirty x

883 18 1

Will: sorry
Will: i really am
Will: im not forcing you to forgive me
Will: but im sorry
Will: i love you
Will: 🧡
[sent 01:34am]
[read 08:12am]
Will: please issy
[sent 12:34pm]
[read 12:35pm]
Isabella: don't call me 'Issy'
Will: im sorry x
Will: truly
Isabella: should've thought about that before you turned into a cunt.
[sent 4:32pm]
Will: oh
[sent 4:32pm]
[read 4:33pm]
Will: [unable to send message to contact]
Will: [unable to send message to contact]
Will: [unable to send message to contact]

false hope|willneWhere stories live. Discover now