thirty six x

714 19 0

I put on the outfit id bought the day before, and then sat down to do my hair and makeup. I did a cool tone halo eye (with red in the centre), and a red lip. My hair was straightened and middle parted-slicked down at the front. I clipped in a pair of silver hoops and placed the white, red bottoms on my feet.
I pulled my phone out my bag and took mirror selfies, in an attempt to get one decent one for an instagram story. I took one and captioned it '🤫🤫' before posting it.
will_ne replied to you story:
will_ne: wow beaut
isabellastevensonx: tytyty💞💞💞
will_ne: come to my apartment as soon as xx
isabellastevensonx: i'll be over now babes x

I walked to his apartment, quickly texting him and notifying him of my presence. He opened the door, and he immediately grinned at you, and pulled you into his apartment by your waist. You walked into his living room with him and music started playing.
"Feel like im on strictly." Will just laughed, and started twirling me around and badly ballroom dancing in his living room.

It felt like we'd been driving for hours.
"Where are we even going?" I asked, tapping my acrylics again the dashboard.
"Somewhere,, nice." He grinned, yet kept his eyes on the road, i just smiled in response.

"Will, i swear we've gone past this co-op about seven times now."
"Oh shite." I grinned, "i was trying to make it suspenseful." We both started laughing as he went round once more and parked the car. He stepped out and walked around to my side, opening the door and helping me out.
"Feeling like kim kardashian as well now."
"Wouldn't mind being kanye west to be fair."

He lead me into a rose garden, lit up with fairy lights and candles. He put his arm around my waist, as we followed the little, winding paths within the roses.
"Wow, this is so beautiful." I whispered, turning to look at will, "thank you, so much."
"Its not over yet, Issy." He grabbed my hand, and took me around a corner, to find a picnic bench, covered in food and alcohol-and a camera and a ring-light.
"I know you light your instagram pictures." I laughed
"Wow cant even say you aren't my favourite person right now."

After we finished my meal, will got me to take pictures, acting like i was some sort of model.
He took me back to his car, and drove back to the apartment block.

3rd person

"Do you want to stay over?" Will asked, looking down at his feet and biting his lip.
"Of course, it'd be a pleasure." Will grinned, and put a hand on her thigh as he continued driving for a considerably shorter time than last.

They walked up to his apartment holding hands, and Will began twirling and dancing with Isabella again. He spun her into his chest and kissed her cheek before opening the door.
She just giggled as she walked in, and kicked her heels off at the doorstep.
"Can i borrow a shirt?" Isabella asked, even though she was going to nick one anyways.
Will chucked her one over.
"Don't know which one that is, but its clean."
He laughed lightly, as Isabella unfolded it.
"I cannot believe you." Will looked confused.
"Memeulous merch? Really?." She shook her head, before bursting out laughing, and so did Will.

false hope|willneWhere stories live. Discover now