two x

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Will's p.o.v-

I switched the camera off, finally finishing my latest commentary video discussing yet another BGMedia drama that had popped up. I scrolled through my twitter then instagram , noticing how Isabella had followed me on both. I followed back immediatly, turning on notifications and smiled at her photos, she was gorgeous. I flicked through a few of her recent photos, her ginger hair perfectly placed and the images of amazing quality. She is the most perfect person, fucking hell.

Cals p.o.v-

I slipped my hand into Alyssa's, as we walked into Westfield. She's my new girlfriend, and im planning on taking her to meet Isabella later, as she'll hopefully be around for awhile. We shopped for hours-i bought her new shoes and some lipstick-basic shit really.

"Babee can we get food?" Alyssa asked me, happily. I genuinly think this is the first time ive had a girlfriend and they haven't tried to use me for fame or money.

"Course darling, where should we go?" I was actually in love-finally.

"Pizza Express, im craving some pasta?!" She was so positive, upbeat, happy. She really reminded me of Isabella and i hope they get along, i really do. I agreed and we sat at a table ordering the food, and while Alyssa went to the bathroom i texted Isabella.

Issssy: [3 missed calls]

Isssy: Cal?

Isssy: Answer me.

Isssy: Where are you, we're supposed to be at the cinema.

Isssy: Even harry doesn't know where you are, Cal please

Isssy: [2 missed calls]

CallyFornia: Sorry Issy, im with my girlfriend.

Isssy: Cal we planned this cinema trip a week ago, and then you don't even turn up or say you can't go! You could have at least told me, or planned your trip with this girl another day.

CallyFornia: Yeah well its my girlfriend, thought you'd be more understanding.

Isssy: Well I would have been if you bloody told me! It was a great movie by the way, hope you and your girl enjoyed yourself.

Isssy: Who is she anyway?

CallyFornia: I'll bring her to your flat later yeah?

Isssy: I said who is she, i don't let random people into my flat, girlfriend or not.

CallyFornia: Alyssa. Can i go please?

Isssy: Sorry talking to me is so hard, go talk to Alyssa then. Bye, and i don't fancy seeing her right now so dont bring her over.

CallyFornia: Issy? Please, she wants to meet you?

[read: 13:25]

CallyFornia: Fine then.

[read: 13:28]

I didn't even do anything that bad jesus, only forgot to tell her i couldn't go to the cinema, jesus christ.

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